Coronavirus (2021) thread

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Quite incredible that more people have been vaccinated than have tested positive since the start of the pandemic, if you think nearly four million have antibodies and four million have vaccine, that’s hugely positive

There’s some basic data from that.
How many tested positive & either died or became very ill compared to those larger figures for vaccination & (as far as I know) extremely low number of side effects.

But the retort will be ‘ah, but we don’t know about the long term effects’ which we don’t of course, but I’m going to hazard a guess it won’t change ones DNA.

I’ve no idea how long I’ll be protected for after I (hopefully) get over this but I’ll the jab with open arms if offered.

Israel and vaccines. Click the link then translate from Hebrew. Cautiously optimistic as per Blue Anorak's post earlier.

Edit - should add that I've just scrolled through the replies and there are some which seem to contradict the post, saying that there's absolutely nothing there which brings any optimism for the vaccines as yet. Infact goes on to say if there are no real improvements this week its very bad news for Pfizer and worse for humanity.

This wouldn’t surprise me at all.

the vaccine efficacy % would be accurate if it was figures from a challenge trial, but unfortunately, it’s not.

I’m of the opinion that the vast majority of the people who had the vaccine in the trial never actually came into contact with the virus at all.
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The latest regional Weekly Pop table is out.

It is based on 5 day old data - remember - as it uses the finalised data back allocated to actual date of the test.

As suspected a few days ago when I posted the last one the NW is heading for the top of the table and the top of THIS table is not a thing to celebrate.

Though the good news is that every region is now falling. A week or so ago the reverse was true.

Region // Weekly Pop Today // Weekly Pop 7 days ago // Up/Down and % rise/fall

London // 811 // 1058 // Down 247 - minus 23%

East // 580 // 795 // Down 215 - minus 27%

North West // 572 // 595 // Down 23 - minus 4%

West Midlands // 570 // 623 // Down 53 - minus 9%

South East // 552 // 728 // Down 172 - minus 24%

East Midlands // 416 // 464 // Down 48 - minus19%

South West // 355 // 382 // Down 27 - minus 7%

North East // 347 // 458 // Down 111 - minus24%

Yorkshire // 291 // 346 // Down 55 - minus 11%

If you were to place Greater Manchester in that table it would have a current weekly Pop of 408. Well below the NW average and just below East MIdlands. Or above really as lower is better.
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The latest regional Weekly Pop table is out.

It is based on 5 day old data - remember - as it uses the finalised data back allocated to actual date of the test.

As suspected a few days ago when I posted the last one the NW is heading for the top of the table and the top of THIS table is not a thing to celebrate.

Though the good news is that every region is now falling. A week or so ago the reverse was true.

Region // Weekly Pop Today // Weekly Pop 7 days ago // Up/Down and % rise/fall

London // 811 // 1058 // Down 247 - minus 23%

East // 580 // 795 // Down 215 - minus 27%

North West // 572 // 595 // Down 23 - minus 4%

West Midlands // 570 // 623 // Down 53 - minus 9%

South East // 552 // 728 // Down 172 - minus 24%

East Midlands // 416 // 464 // Down 48 - minus19%

South West // 355 // 382 // Down 27 - minus 7%

North East // 347 // 458 // Down 111 - minus24%

Yorkshire // 291 // 346 // Down 55 - minus 11%

If you were to place Greater Manchester in that table it would have a current weekly Pop of 408. Well below the NW average and just below East MIdlands. Or above really as lower is better.

so do you think we are or have peaked now on this wave? Do the measures seem to be working against this new variant?
This wouldn’t surprise me at all.

the vaccine efficacy % would be accurate if it was figures from a challenge trial, but unfortunately, it’s not.

I’m of the opinion that the vast majority of the people who had the vaccine in the trial never actually came into contact with the virus at all.

I think if there is bad news on the Pfizer vaccine front and it's nothing like as effective as thought, it could be up there with the worst news we could possibly get right now. I hope something really positive and conclusive that it's because of the vaccine comes this week.
In the weekly Pop table for the boroughs in Wales btw. Three of the top four are now in North Wales.

Denbighshire at 390 is third, Flintshire at 529 is 2nd.

But way ahead at the top is Wrexham on 825.

And the final stages of the Oxford vaccine putting it into phials is carried out at a factory in - you guessed it?
This wouldn’t surprise me at all.

the vaccine efficacy % would be accurate if it was figures from a challenge trial, but unfortunately, it’s not.

I’m of the opinion that the vast majority of the people who had the vaccine in the trial never actually came into contact with the virus at all.

It would have to be a heck of a coincidence to produce this graph:

It looks so god damn decisive that they must be some ridiculously strong confidence intervals.
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