GM Weekly Pop Scores after today:~
Borough / Score Today / Score 7 days ago / up or down wk to wk/ Testing is % of local population who have tested positive for Covid over past year.
As ever with Pop scores going up is bad, going down good - the higher the number the better or worse depending on direction moving. The Pop Score is total cases in past week versus 100,000 POPulation to even out the comparison versus size and expected cases based on numbers living there.
Tameside 125 / 110 / UP 15 Testing positive 7.9%
Oldham 120 / 97 UP 23 Testing positive 9.5%
Rochdale 120 / 89 / UP 31 Testing positive 9.4%
Bolton 113 / 102/ UP 11 Testing positive 8.8%
Manchester 103 / 82 / UP 21 Testing positive 9.4%
Wigan 101 / 98 / UP 3 Testing positive 8.7%
Salford 87 / 112/ down 25 Testing positive 8.8%
Bury 84 / 84 LEVEL Testing positive 8.9%
Stockport 81 / 78 / UP 3 Testing positive 7.0%
Trafford 58 / 37 / UP 21 Testing positive 6.8%
Salford still going well. Bury has levelled off again, Stockport almost back to falling. Others slowly readjusting but Rochdale, Manchester and Oldham still up quite a bit.
Trafford is too but starting to stabilise and has the advantage of being very low numbers anyway.
Weekly cases: Trafford - best in GM at 138.
Others Bolton 324, Bury 160, Manchester 576, Oldham 294, Rochdale 269, Salford 225, Stockport 240, Tameside 272, Wigan 334