Covid is a family of viruses so they likely will have discussed health implications of them years ago if any managed to get here and were dangerous. But Covid 19 - the one we have now (19 being a clue nobody thinks it was the first) - has created a pandemic that the others had the potential to do but none did.
So this one is novel in that respect because it did. And everyone refers to it as Covid for short. So you surely knew what I meant. Much planning for a pandemic was built around a flu like pandemic and only months before Covid arrived there was a chilling BBC documetary that was created as an experiment using mobile phones to imaginarily infect people following the plans and science to see how it spread across a real town and beyond. It assumed the same premise.
We discussed it in here in the early days of the pandemic.
By chance the town they chose to be focus and involved many of the citizens in had one of the very first real Covid cases after the simulation when the real thing arrived.