Did you respond to the wrong guy ?COVID's initially harsh severity comes pretty much from the fact that our immune system hasn't seen it before. That has now changed and we're a long way away from where we were in March 2020. Today there is no reason to lock anything down or do anything to stop people from dying because very few will die.
The virus is no longer a problem in terms of severity, not because of less severe variants but rather thanks to the vaccines. However, the critical thing now is going to be healthcare capacity but that is because this government has run down healthcare over the last 12 years so we're in perhaps a worse position than most.
There's a big argument now for the biggest spending increase in the history in the NHS. We cannot go back to normal which means reverting back to a position of ignoring the real problems that exist in healthcare.
As it stands, you're in a bad place if you decide to start snuffing it at the moment and that isn't because we obsess over COVID, it's because of the really huge problems in the NHS that COVID has exposed.