Cost of last night starting elevens

Macker said:
Camel Gob cost more than our keeper & entire defence put together lol

And the thing is that price they paid for him was 12 years ago. Give them the lower figure of £28m for him rather than the £40m and it was still a crazy figure to pay, not now but 12 years ago. No one was paying that then other than them yet they throw the money criticism at us.
robsta said:
Macker said:
Camel Gob cost more than our keeper & entire defence put together lol

And the thing is that price they paid for him was 12 years ago. Give them the lower figure of £28m for him rather than the £40m and it was still a crazy figure to pay, not now but 12 years ago. No one was paying that then other than them yet they throw the money criticism at us.
£69.8 million on that inflation calculator, they wouldn't accept that figure though ;)
rafael and cleverley were not free, both were poached and utd ended up paying compensation. dont know how much though
I posted this relevation on facebook right after we won last night! Havent heard a pip since!
We're even more delusional than I thought if we believe those figures about the total cost of the swamp dwellers. Sure every one of their 742 billion global fan-base know that their red-shirted heroes are all Stretford / Old Trafford born and bred and came up through the youth ranks to forge their place in history playing for the biggest bestest team in the whole world. We're the team who has ruined football by buying success.

Oh, hang on, that's just the utter pish that Murdoch's media churns out to appease the brain-washed, gormless hoardes...
they are saying this on sky now, ha ha ha sky bias my arse they put it all up there great stuff

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