Cost of living crisis - how are you all doing?

The Northern Baptist

Well-Known Member
26 Jul 2009
How is everyone managing with the rising costs of living? I know there are a few threads on the forum about energy bills and mortgage rates, how has the cumulative effect of these impacted your lifestyle?

On the other hand, I am reading that holiday bookings are at record levels, there appears to be no slow down in hospitality sector when I am in town and I am getting a general sense from my social circle that this hasn’t fully bitten yet?
How is everyone managing with the rising costs of living? I know there are a few threads on the forum about energy bills and mortgage rates, how has the cumulative effect of these impacted your lifestyle?

On the other hand, I am reading that holiday bookings are at record levels, there appears to be no slow down in hospitality sector when I am in town and I am getting a general sense from my social circle that this hasn’t fully bitten yet?

Will happen in waves as more people renew fixed mortgage deals and lose more disposable income. Building work still busy, it's when that grinds to a halt you start worrying.
Must admit food inflation and utility bills are annoying but with no debt I am not badly affected.
How is everyone managing with the rising costs of living? I know there are a few threads on the forum about energy bills and mortgage rates, how has the cumulative effect of these impacted your lifestyle?

On the other hand, I am reading that holiday bookings are at record levels, there appears to be no slow down in hospitality sector when I am in town and I am getting a general sense from my social circle that this hasn’t fully bitten yet?
Being older and pretty much self sufficient we're ok in our house. Saying that, we do fuck all and go nowhere..
No mortgage, debts and although electricity is through the roof, I think we are paying 120 quid a month compared to 35 a month for gas, as I'm slightly ill and at home a lot the heating is needed so it's been on as and when.

Apart from the odd online vinyl purchase which I hate doing, not allowed out at the mo as my immune system is a bit fucked, my work are still paying me so money is coming in. Missus works full time as well.

Food has sky rocketed I've noticed. Always try and use the local butcher, farm shop etc etc and are still doing this, I send the missus, but prices are a lot higher. They have rising costs as well I suppose.

As far as supermarkets? No idea. Never went in them before so I have nothing to compare them to. The missus on the other hand...

Edited because of the dog. His costs have gone up...he eats from a place called Butternut box which is freshly prepared dog food humans can eat. The ponce. No contribution to the household income. Take, take, take...bloody spaniel.
Soldiering on mate, at my age your needs are less anyway.

Switched to shopping at Aldi instead of Tesco, do Iceland on a Tuesday for 10% pensioner discount but the heating is on as I refuse to be cold.

Used to do two or three cruises a year now down to just the one.

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