Cost of living crisis - how are you all doing?

You seem a tad obsessed. Perhaps it wasn't actually personal, I just appreciated the irony pointed out by Scotty.
What ever he posted you would have liked. I have been amused in the past that you have given likes in the Politics thread without reading them properly and then been pulled up for it.
Can I give you a bit of free advice. If you’re not happy with your lot do something about it . Don’t blame your woes on others who see life a bit different to you.
There is nothing more unattractive to a partner, what ever your sexual orientation ,than somebody constantly going on about woe is me and blaming everyone else for what’s wrong in the World.
Live your own life and not some one else’s.
A tin of Beanz was £1.40 today. I rarely eat them but that was a real shock.
I remember a tin of Plum Tomatoes at 19p not so long ago and I used to think how do they make them for that.
Now they are a similar price to a tin of beans.
What ever he posted you would have liked. I have been amused in the past that you have given likes in the Politics thread without reading them properly and then been pulled up for it.
Can I give you a bit of free advice. If you’re not happy with your lot do something about it . Don’t blame your woes on others who see life a bit different to you.
There is nothing more unattractive to a partner, what ever your sexual orientation ,than somebody constantly going on about woe is me and blaming everyone else for what’s wrong in the World.
Live your own life and not some one else’s.

Bloody hell talk about projection.
I remember a tin of Plum Tomatoes at 19p not so long ago and I used to think how do they make them for that.
Now they are a similar price to a tin of beans.
My mum cooked everything from scratch and there were always tins of tomatoes when I helped her shop. Seem to recall them being pennies.

Surely restaurants and pubs will begin to suffer? The last thing people can afford to do.
My mum cooked everything from scratch and there were always tins of tomatoes when I helped her shop. Seem to recall them being pennies.

Surely restaurants and pubs will begin to suffer? The last thing people can afford to do.
You only need to walk around any Town Centre and the only bags seen are the Primark ones.
I'm guessing you have been in the pub, can I suggest that you watch the rags if you need some comedic entertainment.
That’s very good Mr K. No not at the pub this evening. What was funny though was I was sat with my Mrs in the Drawing Room, honestly, we do have one, in front of the log fire. She suddenly blurted out we do have a good life don’t we.
If she is happy with her life that will do for me.
I genuinely hope you and your other half if you have one, feel the same.
Stay positive it’s good for your heath.
That’s very good Mr K. No not at the pub this evening. What was funny though was I was sat with my Mrs in the Drawing Room, honestly, we do have one, in front of the log fire. She suddenly blurted out we do have a good life don’t we.
If she is happy with her life that will do for me.
I genuinely hope you and your other half if you have one, feel the same.
Stay positive it’s good for your heath.


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