Cost of living crisis - how are you all doing?

I agree with that. And maybe we have to hit the buffers every now n then , let house prices crash etc.

You 'agree' that the country will start springing up businesses again? Doing what that thousands of businesses have already failed at during a period of taking the chance to do your own thing after a pandemic?

Going back to working with your hands/ manual labour is pretty much the only safety net outside of throwing a pebble in the sea of online content.

AI, unless specifically limited/ regulated by the Gov, is going to gut a LOT of jobs, starting with administrative types. Business has moved online which is why you see less high street shops.

Why do you think there's been Hollywood strikes, for example, cos the ushering in of 'CHAT GPT' type inventions and 'deep fakes', has people seeing their arse about their futures.

The rest of the working people not in physical jobs won't know what hits them in 10 years or less.
Yes, a lot of similarities..other than the CSA bit as we have no kids.
We have a drink every night but now Winter is here going out to the pub is less appealing.
My local charges £6.45 for a pint of Peronni and then there is constant battle with the kids they put behind the bar that the 2 inch head on it is not part of the pint.
Add a Chinese takeaway with a couple of beers and there is no change out of £65 for a mid week night out.
A beer and a large glass of red wine at home in front of a log fire just before Tea and then into the lounge to watch the football is far more appealing.
As regards the football I now pick my matches.. those that are 3.00 pm Saturday kick offs that are not on Tele tend to be the only ones I go to.
Attending a European Champions League Final to watch my Club is on my wish list.
Can’t be arsed travelling abroad with all the hassle that comes with it.
If they get there next year I will take my Mrs to Club Wembley well away from all the piss heads up and down every 2 minutes for a piss.
Tickets are always available .. for a price.

Look at Log Fire Man and his financial bravado.

We are retired and doing OK, but I sympathise with those in work or trying to find work and struggling with bills. There are a lot of problems post-Covid and with the conflicts etc etc, but at the moment I am pessimistic that whoever gets in at the next election will solve this crisis, without much more pain.
Yes, a lot of similarities..other than the CSA bit as we have no kids.
We have a drink every night but now Winter is here going out to the pub is less appealing.
My local charges £6.45 for a pint of Peronni and then there is constant battle with the kids they put behind the bar that the 2 inch head on it is not part of the pint.
Add a Chinese takeaway with a couple of beers and there is no change out of £65 for a mid week night out.
A beer and a large glass of red wine at home in front of a log fire just before Tea and then into the lounge to watch the football is far more appealing.
As regards the football I now pick my matches.. those that are 3.00 pm Saturday kick offs that are not on Tele tend to be the only ones I go to.
Attending a European Champions League Final to watch my Club is on my wish list.
Can’t be arsed travelling abroad with all the hassle that comes with it.
If they get there next year I will take my Mrs to Club Wembley well away from all the piss heads up and down every 2 minutes for a piss.
Tickets are always available .. for a price.
I love a Keyboard Warrior who posts about someone but hasn’t got the bottle to let them see what they post. If Mr K likes it, It will do for me. By the way next time you’re down my way Mr K in your little red diesel van perhaps your mobile Citizens Advice Bureau would like to call in and give me some advice on my Will, bring Mr Didsbury with you if you are a little nervous, safety in numbers and all that. No tears or temper tantrums like last time, he he.
I love a Keyboard Warrior who posts about someone but hasn’t got the bottle to let them see what they post. If Mr K likes it, It will do for me. By the way next time you’re down my way Mr K in your little red diesel van perhaps your mobile Citizens Advice Bureau would like to call in and give me some advice on my Will, bring Mr Didsbury with you if you are a little nervous, safety in numbers and all that. No tears or temper tantrums like last time, he he.

You seem a tad obsessed. Perhaps it wasn't actually personal, I just appreciated the irony pointed out by Scotty.

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