Court case from derby

Skashion said:
Soulboy said:
Do all tattooed people know each other?

That's cool...
Most do, they tend to run in the same circles; gangs; benefit cheats; beggers etc.

Yeah, but if they're all on benefits, how do they afford the tattoos?

Do they go the the shop with their gangs and force then tattooist to do the work?

Or do they just beg him to do it. I'm confused.

I wish I was in a gang like that...
well i never had any tattoo's up to the age of 35, but now have 2... 1 City crest & a Blue St Georges flag with M.C.F.C. in each square,but am a clean living, law abiding citizen.....but when i didn't have any tattoo's i was a right c**t when i was younger.........
Soulboy said:
Do they go the the shop with their gangs and force then tattooist to do the work?
Gangs have their own tattoo artists. However, beggars and benefits cheats spend their hard earned cash. People say benefits cheats earn nothing but let me assure you that my father finds all sorts of ways to play the system. It's bloody hard work with lots of back-breaking paperwork and bribery (doctors, council officials etc.) involved.
Skashion said:
Soulboy said:
Do they go the the shop with their gangs and force then tattooist to do the work?
Gangs have their own tattoo artists. However, beggars and benefits cheats spend their hard earned cash. People say benefits cheats earn nothing but let me assure you that my father finds all sorts of ways to play the system. It's bloody hard work with lots of back-breaking paperwork and bribery (doctors, council officials etc.) involved.

Do you have a phone number for one of these gangs?

I fancy joining up. It sounds a great life.
johnmc said:
SWP's back said:
I - unlike you, spent half an hour on a train with Peter (first time I met him and is stated on page 2 or 3) on the way back from Wolves so please pardon me for believing his very convincing and believable story (so belieable that the CPS chose to try and prosecute the two stewards after they viewed the CCTV also).

WHat I did not do was try and prejudge everything from a picture and the fact that someone has a problem with addiction.

I am sure if I had spent time with the two stewards then maybe the same thing would have happened. What I was not, was narrow minded (you have done a superb job of doing that yourself).

Can you please state how I have been hypocritical though as I fear you may have some strange definition of it.

Which ever way you dress it up, you don't come out of this as a very compassionate, caring or likeable human being despite the fact that the jury has agreed with your initial judgement (though I do hope they used evidence to judge rather than some right wing moralising).

Ha ha this gets better - you spent half an hour with him so now you know better than a jury who sat through all the evidence and watched the CCTV footage. If only you were the jury for Phil Spectors case you would have acquitted him after a cup of tea and a few buscuits with him. His story was ecactly that, a story, and he hoped it took a judge and a jury in like like it did you, but it seems they were educated enough not to take one side as gospel.

You are being hypocritical as you have said that the two stewards pushed this guy down the stairs, without knowing whether they did or not. Therefore you have decided they were guilty. I have said, that the city fan was guilty of lying, if you like to put it like that. But you had a problem with that. So you have a problem that I have called the City fan guilty before it was decided in court but you havent got a problem with deciding the stewards are guilty before this was proven otherwise. If you cant see how thats hypocritical then not much more I can say to you.

And yes I admit, i looked at the guy at face value and took him as a sterotypical fraud. I am not always right and wont pretend I am, but in this case it seems I was.

I was also sat close to him on the train from the Wolves match and, for what it is worth, I found him to be a gobby little wannabe and completely unbelievable.
He was trying to wind up the BTP and then was giving it large about how much 'compo' he would be getting after the stewards were found guilty. Well Peter - no cash in this scam for you mate, you'll have to look elsewhere !
Soulboy said:
Skashion said:
Gangs have their own tattoo artists. However, beggars and benefits cheats spend their hard earned cash. People say benefits cheats earn nothing but let me assure you that my father finds all sorts of ways to play the system. It's bloody hard work with lots of back-breaking paperwork and bribery (doctors, council officials etc.) involved.

Do you have a phone number for one of these gangs?

I fancy joining up. It sounds a great life.
SWP's back said:
Skashion said:
Most do, they tend to run in the same circles; gangs; benefit cheats; beggers etc.
So I hear...

Yeah let's make this debate about tattoos. Get away from the original point

I alluded to tattoos in a list of things and people have picked on that, admittley the weakest item on the list. Not heard you saying how drinking on methodone is acceptable?
johnmc said:
SWP's back said:
So I hear...

Yeah let's make this debate about tattoos. Get away from the original point

I alluded to tattoos in a list of things and people have picked on that, admittley the weakest item on the list. Not heard you saying how drinking on methodone is acceptable?

Haha ok. I would say I don't know enough about methodone to comment. I might go ask Skasion's dad, im sure he will know.

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