Well-Known Member
Looking at that and the modelling that was released yesterday and their own comments regarding ICU beds. I can’t see any scenario that doesn’t involve tens of thousands dying in the next year for want of ICU beds not being available.
I’ve already had my mother quarantined for the past 5 weeks and I’ve told her to expect that to continue well into the summer. Her Alexa arrived yesterday though so on top of the usual FaceTime, she can now “drop in” on me and my sister at any time and she’s still going for a little walk every morning. The hardest thing is going to be combatting loneliness for a large part of the population.
It’s all very very strange isn’t it.
My gp (village 20km from Valencia) is now closed to the general public. It is being used entirely as an emergency base for people in this area for Covid-19. How many lives are going to be lost indirectly because of this virus as well as directly?
As we've been saying the UK has slept walked into a disaster.