COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Incredible that. I saw that the low death rate can be partly explained by the younger age of the people that have had it in Germany but not sure how that also equates to the number of cases reducing drastically. You’d think the younger people were the more they’d travel, work, take public transport and spend time in larger gatherings. If the numbers continue in Germany then they’ll be a lot of countries looking at what they’ve done when the next virus comes around.

I imagine mentally they as a nation take the lock down far more serious than other parts of the world.
They should be offering a refund to all customers who are impacted by cancelled flights. It seems some airlines, however, are trying to get people to change their dates to later on in the year (and having to pay any difference in flight price on top), yet who's to say those airlines won't go bust in the meantime and people who have changed their dates are left high and dry and worse still have had to effectively fork out double bubble for the privilege?

I've had a full refund for return flights to Marrakesh and my mum has had a full refund for flights from Man-Valencia. All with Ryanair, refunds will be given.
Sorry to bang on about this, but I am just really, really puzzled as to WTF has gone on here in the UK.

One month ago or more, we could see this coming. We had our original plan A which was to allow it to swiftly move through the population with a fucking humungous peak and widespread carnage. Quickly replaced by the plan B which everyone else in the world is following, of trying to suppress the virus as much as possible in order to save lives. Thank God!

But my point is that both plans anticipated a fucking great big peak. Either the first humungous one, or the one we are facing now. We saw how China had to build hospitals in 1 week to try to provide capacity. And we saw that 2 months ago.

Why are we only hearing over the last day or so about plans for makeshift hospital facilities at Excel London and elsewhere? Why did we not ask Dyson and others to get ventilators made and fucking sharpish, back in February? How come we didn't say to the supermarkets "In March, you are going to need 10x your online delivery capacity, so get ready". The supermarkets are all fucked, because they had zero notice of all of this. All of this smacks to me of too little, too late and a complete lack of foresight, or at the very least of pro-active, preparatory actions.

We've all banged on about the utter insanity of not shutting airports, allowing uncontrolled numbers into the UK without checks, of mass events still taking place etc. But that's really a seperate point. All of that make this impending surge in demand even more nailed on, and even bigger. And yet we seem to have little to prepare for it. I just cannot get my head around it.
The supermarket wouldn’t be struggling if the selfish in society hadn’t cleared the shelves. As to the rest of your post I agree, looks like we either didn’t expect it until too late or just fucked up.
The supermarket wouldn’t be struggling if the selfish in society hadn’t cleared the shelves. As to the rest of your post I agree, looks like we either didn’t expect it until too late or just fucked up.
Supermarkets have nothing like the delivery capacity needed. That is why there are no delivery slots available in most places. It's not as if there are none until say end of April, there just aren't any at all.

We should have had contingency plans for this.
Germany reporting a significant drop in the number of new cases today, I think: 4,332 to 1,286.

Have they actually reported that for the whole country, or is it just the figures on the tracking website? I have noticed that, like the USA, Germany's numbers increase during the day. Presumably as different regions report their figures.
Have they actually reported that for the whole country, or is it just the figures on the tracking website? I have noticed that, like the USA, Germany's numbers increase during the day. Presumably as different regions report their figures.

Ah that might explain it. Happens in Spain too where they announce some after lunch time and others at 22:30 at night.
Have they actually reported that for the whole country, or is it just the figures on the tracking website? I have noticed that, like the USA, Germany's numbers increase during the day. Presumably as different regions report their figures.
I think Germany have been predicting that they are going to peak soon but the problem with the new case figures that they release is that we can't tell whether the drop in new cases is down to real changes in the number of new cases out there, or whether it just reflects changes in the amount of testing they are doing on a day to day basis.

We could check by finding the daily change in the number of tests done. Whatever will be will be now. We can't alter it.

It looks tome like mamy European governments including our own are happy on the trajectories they are on.
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