COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Is it just me or do people vastly underestimate how far 2m is? I see people spacing out in queues etc but they are not even 1m apart let alone 2m. Get a tape measure out and it seems most people would be shocked to see the actual distance we need to keep away from one another. And that is the MINIMUM distance. They seem to be confusing 2m with 2 steps.
I would imagine after all the fucking idiots ignore the stay at home advice today, then by tomorrow night it will be a total lockdown .
surely they cant be that stupid,its been all over the TV for days. but sat here infront of the window seeing people walking about..are they attention seekers, girl down the road never goes for a jog,this morning she apears in full lycra and setting her new sports watch, she might as well have worn a bill board saying 'look at me'
Not sure its much worse in London , it’s just there are many more people so more idiots, in a closer environment. Seems cases are falling in London and growing in the midlands so if it is a social distancing issue maybe the midlands is worse.
Was only really referencing London with regards to the issues with the public transport, tube etc.
No, in my daughters hospital the rules are very strict, the hospital is virtually split in 2,red zones and green zones, all staff rotation has stopped, she was due to another department rotate this month. No ppe clothing or equipment leaves the covid areas. Contamination amongst staff will no doubt happen but it’s no way any sort of policy, and measures are taken to avoid at all costs.

Wish our local Hospital worked like this. My Wife is on every single ward bar A&E and Childrens, every night I ask the same things for her to ask her Manager but it just gets dismissed and she gets told to carry on as they are, so whether its a Corona Ward, a normal ward with suspected, a normal ward with confirmed she just has to use the 'correct PPE' for each specific case, in my mind why the hell are they not treating every single person including staff as having it? Surely the only way to safeguard which makes me think they don't actually want to safeguard the staff which sounds sinister, the same trust still aren't testing staff by default (even with symptoms).
surely they cant be that stupid,its been all over the TV for days. but sat here infront of the window seeing people walking about..are they attention seekers, girl down the road never goes for a jog,this morning she apears in full lycra and setting her new sports watch, she might as well have worn a bill board saying 'look at me'

Lack of virtue signalling. :-(
Prof Ferguson told Marr that deaths could range between 7,000 and 20,000, would take a drop very soon to get anywhere near 7,000 I’d imagine.
^^^^ This all day long.

I’ve commented to store staff on this point on more than one occasion. What’s the point of observing the 1m distancing whilst queuing outside the store when some people don’t observe inside?!

I seen 4 sainsbury staff in a 6in huddle
I shit you not.
Prof Ferguson told Marr that deaths could range between 7,000 and 20,000, would take a drop very soon to get anywhere near 7,000 I’d imagine.
when we seen this coming a few weeks back we would have snatched at 20k, anything under is a bonus.lets hope we dont glitch
Is it just me or do people vastly underestimate how far 2m is? I see people spacing out in queues etc but they are not even 1m apart let alone 2m. Get a tape measure out and it seems most people would be shocked to see the actual distance we need to keep away from one another. And that is the MINIMUM distance. They seem to be confusing 2m with 2 steps.

I was queuing up at the butchers the other day and happened to have my laser measure in my pocket as I was still at work. Being a sad ****, I started to measure the distance people were from me. No fucker was further than 2m.

I must have looked a right busy fucker but fuck it.
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