So I’ve been out walking the dog this morning and on my way back from Debdale Park I bumped into a guy who we buy our eggs from and who was on his way up to his allotment. He’s a bit of a conspiracy theorist. Actually, after today’s conversation, I think it’s fair to say that he’s a LOT of a conspiracy theorist. Said that all of this is bollocks, it’s man made, is no worse than flu (that old chestnut), most of the deaths aren’t to do with Covid-19 (I conceded that there may be an overlap of sorts but not to the extent he’s claiming), only the Chinese death figures are in any way accurate (!), the Swedes have got it right, our hospitals are all empty, scientists the world over are in on it as they’ve been bought off, it’s all a ploy to suppress the global population by governments everywhere to make money out of us, and it’s the Chinese, Americans, and Russians who are at the forefront of it.
Whenever you get pandemics the conspiracy theorists have a field day.
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