There is absolutely zero chance of this happening. Your plan to lockdown even more severely than we already are for 18 months is a complete fantasy.
That is not what I have suggested at all. I have said this previously several times:
We lock down as we are doing - ideally we would have done it sooner and harder, since then the peak would have been lower and the duration shorter. But we are where we are.
And then once the infection rate is right down and the death rate near or at zero, then we gradually ease off restrictions and start to get back to normal. However, we start mass scale testing and immediately isolate anyone infected, trace their contacts and isolate them as well. And if the numbers start to pick up, we start imposing restrictions again.
This is the only viable strategy. It is all well and good you talking about "fantasy" but you offer no alternative. 40m get this; tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands die, and the NHS is obliterated. That is your alternative.
Moreover, what I am suggesting is the course shown to be effective in other countries. And for that matter, it's the course we are taking. Singapore are just starting to put restrictions in place again, now that their death toll has reach a dizzy 6 (total, not per day). vs our circa 5,000. They kept it at 6 with vigorous mass testing, isolation and contract tracing. And everyone wears a mask! When our lock down ends, this is PRECISELY what we must do.