It’s just worth pointing out that there is method in his madness, and that this drug is being administered en masse by doctors in New York. Just occasionally in an emergency an executive decision needs to be taken which doesn’t abide by all the normal rules. If there is the possibility to save human lives by adopting an unconventional approach then it makes sense to try it. Maybe some are blinded by their hatred of Trump?
I dont think people understand the side effects of these drugs.
It's been shown to have permanent psychiatric side effects in some people - hallucinations, personality changes, depression, extreme anxiety.
That's on top of all the nasty physical side effects. Like potential blindness. Or involuntary muscle twitches.
So bearing in mind that there has been no proof or even strong evidence of its efficacy in treating Covid-19 the fact they are using it is terrible.
Theres a reason no one else is using it widely, if the manufacturers didnt bribe your president, theres no need to.
Even Fauci said it could not be considered a treatment, which tells you that Trump is overruling his own medical advisors.
It's incredibly insulting to suggest that people who are not supportive of this very dangerous, unapproved drug with no evidence of working other than a complete joke of a study in France that excluded people who died from the results, that has been left alone by every developed country in the world except the one who is lead by a criminal fucking moron, are doing it because they dont like the moron.
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