COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Regional scoreboard:

London 2056 - up from 1588

Midlands 3254 - down from 4159

North East - up just 7 to 1170

Yorkshire up to 3800 from 3638.

North West - down over 500 to 4045. Lowest in 9 days.

This is the smallest gap between Yorkshire and NW in some time.

Better day for the region.
Snap polling by YouGov indicates adults in England overwhelmingly back the lockdown measures announced by the prime minister.

Some 72% to 23% said they supported the restrictions, with 42% saying they strongly supported them, according to the snapshot.

However, in a sign pandemic fatigue is setting in, this is down from 93% who supported the first lockdown.

The poll was based on 2,258 English adults canvassed after Boris Johnson's address.
Scrutiny from whom? unqualified posters on a football forum? or their peers? because the overwhelming majority of their peers agree with them. This is a pandemic not something trivial. Misinformation and lies are dangerous. I can't believe that some find that controversial. If it was in it's own "alternative theories" thread i wouldn't even bring it up but it's in a thread where a lot of people will get their info from, sadly.

I'm not offering an opinion on Covid specifically. I'm merely stating that your appeal to authority argument is a fallacy. I think it's far more dangerous if something is not allowed to be challenged or scrutinised because the "experts" say so. How do you know that the so called "experts" are not lying to you if they are not open to scrutiny?
Do they have the age data for England anywhere?

Sort of. The page I get these stats from is

It's a really well put together site. Mainly Scotland focused however there is a tab for the UK as a whole near the top, click on that and have a scroll down and there's all sorts of info. Think the Scottish stuff is a bit more in depth but there is still a graph with the age range of every daily infection in the uk as a whole. The deaths ages I think are just in total though rather than daily.

I saw back in September that the average age of death from covid was 81 for males and 85 for females.

In which case, based on ONS Life Tables the average number of years of lost life due to Covid would be around 8 years for males and 7 years for females
The average life expectancy in the uk is about 80 years old.

Does that mean these people should already be dead?

Do this mean their life is not as important as a 25 year old driven to suicide as a side effect of this pandemic?
An error in the test and trace app may have meant to fewer people being told to self-isolate than should have been.

Was it not too much to ask to get trace and isolate sorted before winter , a kid at uni could have designed a better app for half the amount
I have lost a business i spent years building up when i had the car accident that disabled me , i get it , i have been through what people are going through now
So why would you be so insistent that a virus that does nothing to the majority of people be allowed ruin ruin some many people life’s. I get you got it bad, and hope you recover but for the vast majority of the population they won’t get it as bad.

All a lockdown does is pause the spread - it won’t stop it, nothing will. The economy cannot carry on like this.

I’ve personally been lucky that my job is (touch wood) still needed. But I have seen far more people suffering through the damage to the economy than I have from getting this virus. Life is short and we cannot spend it existing by running away from something that only efforts a small amount of the population. Life should be enjoyable- being told to say in a box isn’t enjoyable.
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