COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Might be worth keeping an eye on what occurs in the US over the next few weeks. The country is seeing a similar trajectory in cases yet is caught in the middle of an election and has its biggest holiday coming up in the next few weeks (Thanksgiving). Not to mention this is a country that is hostile to any form of restrictions on its freedoms.
I am 57, a little overweight and have worked in the NHS for over 30 years and I’m seeing, every single day, the consequences of lockdown. They don’t work (if they did we’d not being doing it again) and they’re advocated by people whose pensions are not at risk, who are at no risk of furlough and then redundancy. We were told there would be no national lockdown last week that the tier system was enough. The the science presented a series of graphs that would have failed o level anything and everyone’s in thrall to it. Look at this graph here.
View attachment 4721The red line appears to be tracking reality whilst the Imperial one doesn’t even start in the right place. Which one did they choose for a ‘reasonable worst case scenario’? I’m sure you know...

Then there’s this one. View attachment 4722

This was Whitty’s original terror graph of exponential case rises to the end of October. The yellow line is the reality

Listen, I know this is a terrible virus and I know we are in unprecedented times but they keep making decisions based on the above, with no evidence published and they’re making decisions about basic freedoms with nothing to back it up. I swore off this thread a couple of weeks ago and I will leave it again now but I just can’t see what we are about to do, being the best scenario. For all you who think it is, fair enough, but don’t make assumptions about posters and don’t assume that there is only one science.
Finally, although people might disagree with each other, there’s really no need to be rude or insulting to each other and, if I’ve been guilty of it in this thread, I apologise.

1 point here. Lockdowns do work, they do exactly what they are supposed to do which is suppress the virus.

Our gov ( and most of Europe it seems ) didn’t put enough into mitigation after the suppression phase.

A lock down was never supposed to stop the virus for ever.
You quoted it as a way to reinforce the consideration of suicides as a factor that should play some part in lock down decisions. For clarity average suicide rates in the UK are barely into 2 digits per 100k of population per annum. Covid deaths are currently at 2.3 per 100k of population per week. Whilst suicides are tragic they shouldn't have an influence on fighting Covid.
i think they and other illnesses should be considered thats all. im not sure they are.
Good day for Greater Manchester today. Cases down 269 to 2205 and easily lowest of the past week. Indeed that is the lowest since the day after Tier 3 came in a week ago.

Although given the fall in the NW cases this was actually a still high % of the NW at 55%.

The GM falls were mostly modest. A couple even went up. Though by tiny numbers. Wigan though had a much better day.

Most of the big falls in the NW region were in other parts such as Merseyside which has fallen a lot in the past 2 weeks since they went into tier 3.

So relatively Greater Manchester is still higher than it should be.

But if you look at the raw numbers early signs of going in the right direction.
If you scroll upthread, you'll see I provided a link to the source.

Please don't judge others by your own standards.
My own standards? I just put up data from the government which suggests they’re being a tad duplicitous.
And if you think that link, from May, says what you suggested it says, might as well just leave it there.
And no need for the constant sniping either, I get that you disagree with me.
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Might be worth keeping an eye on what occurs in the US over the next few weeks. The country is seeing a similar trajectory in cases yet is caught in the middle of an election and has its biggest holiday coming up in the next few weeks (Thanksgiving). Not to mention this is a country that is hostile to any form of restrictions on its freedoms.

If Biden gets in, they will more than likely be much better at being able to get it under control. He will at least attempt to work with the states and governers. At this point, it's clear Trump could not give a shit.
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