For some context 223 is currently the highest number of England hospital deaths on one day in this second wave (4 Nov).
7 May is the last time that number was recorded. As we were a month past the first wave. And falling slowly.
Here are the dates milestone death numbers were reached in wave 1 (I will stick to at 5 days - where 4 Nov was at 219 after that many for comparison)
300 deaths - 28 April, 350 - 25 April, 400 - 24 April. 450 - 21 April, 500 - 20 April, 550 - 16 April, 600 - 12 April, 650 - 11 April. 700 - 8 April
We do have a few days where the total reached 800 + after add ons. From that peak around 10 April.
But you can see the numbers were very high and then falling at some speed.
At the moment we are nowhere near seeing a reverse of that kind of steep escalation going upwards.
Hopefully we never will again.