Worldwide the serious / critical condition rate is reducing and is the death rate of closed cases.
Positive signs.
Countries that have good contract tracing and quarantine programs have already got on top of the pandemic but many have had to do so at the expense of overseas travellers and the boost to the economy that brings.
Notwithstanding the advances in treatment and disease control since 1918 this pandemic is not as lethal and the Spanish flu by some margin.
We will get on top of this in 2021 vaccine or no vaccine in my opinion provided this doesn't mutate on a large scale.
Positive signs.
Countries that have good contract tracing and quarantine programs have already got on top of the pandemic but many have had to do so at the expense of overseas travellers and the boost to the economy that brings.
Notwithstanding the advances in treatment and disease control since 1918 this pandemic is not as lethal and the Spanish flu by some margin.
We will get on top of this in 2021 vaccine or no vaccine in my opinion provided this doesn't mutate on a large scale.