COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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GM highlights today:

813 cases - up 81. Highest in GM for 24 days.

The good news - this is only 36% of the NW total so other areas outside GM did worse than GM did today

The GM % of the NW total has been sub 40% now for 7 straight days and that is the first time I recall that happening.

Manchester - sadly - topped 200 cases today for the first time in a while and that was on its own responsible for almost all the increase today.

Everyone else under 100.

The biggest news if you live there is that Oldham had the second least numbers today which given it has the second highest Pop Score in Britain - behind only Blackburn - is a huge turnaround since it was one of the most infected places only a couple of months back.

Outperformed both Trafford and Stockport today!
London patients are still below where the NW was when it peaked in mid November at 3158 - and THEN only 280 were on ventilators in the NW out of that higher number of patients. They have fallen to almost half in the 5 weeks since then.

But London has 200 fewer patients in today with 356 - 76 more - on ventilators.

There could be reasons for this disparity of a higher percentage of patients on ventilators between London now and the NW 5 weeks ago

However, an obvious possible reason is that those people might be more likely to have the new strain of the virus than those in the NW did by mid November when its prevalence here was very low.

Hope someone is studying this data as they surely must have spotted it.

That doesn't sound good, suggesting that the new strain is possibly more damaging? One of a few different reasons I suppose, but not great on the face of it.
Elsewhere in the North West Liverpool had its highest numbers in over 5 weeks. At 152 with a Pop Score rise of 30 - more than half the GM boroughs today.

Wirral had its highest score too since about the same time.

And with 209 cases over the last 48 hours Warrington too is higher than it has been in a similar period of time.

These are some of the reasons why even though up GM fared pretty well today.
Boxing Day seems likely. And I think most can live with that.
I think it makes sense to do so, can you imagine what New year's eve would be like if people think they can get away with it. There will be house parties everywhere and there is no way the police would be able to cope with the numbers reported.

Tier 4 might make some people reconsider.
That doesn't sound good, suggesting that the new strain is possibly more damaging? One of a few different reasons I suppose, but not great on the face of it.
Its just a possibility but as I said I DO hope someone has seen this and is asking the same questions.

I am sure there must be but I don't do Twitter so if anyone is out there and wants to ask one of the epidemiologists on there this question please do.

It might be nothing. It might be concerning. I really hope it IS nothing.
shows how fucked up this forum is that anyone saying there is no need to be so rude to the elected pm who is working hard is labelled a parody user.

probably the same people spouting be kind when Caroline flack killed herself.

anyway it’s going to be a very tough few weeks seemingly.

weeks?! More like many months. Anyone thinking 2021 is going to be any better needs a quick, hard reality check.
I think it makes sense to do so, can you imagine what New year's eve would be like if people think they can get away with it. There will be house parties everywhere and there is no way the police would be able to cope with the numbers reported.

Tier 4 might make some people reconsider.
Of course such NYE parties are not currently permitted and the change you request would make it no less acceptable or more or less likely to occur.
GM highlights today:

813 cases - up 81. Highest in GM for 24 days.

The good news - this is only 36% of the NW total so other areas outside GM did worse than GM did today

The GM % of the NW total has been sub 40% now for 7 straight days and that is the first time I recall that happening.

Manchester - sadly - topped 200 cases today for the first time in a while and that was on its own responsible for almost all the increase today.

Everyone else under 100.

The biggest news if you live there is that Oldham had the second least numbers today which given it has the second highest Pop Score in Britain - behind only Blackburn - is a huge turnaround since it was one of the most infected places only a couple of months back.

Outperformed both Trafford and Stockport today!
Wow, must be a glitch in Oldham's figures, not that I'm complaining, either that or everyone who can't behave now has had it which I doubt.
I cannot understand why, particularly supermarkets, don't set aside a couple of separate hours each day when those with reasons not to wear masks can shop but at all other times there is no admission without a mask.
The shops hide behind grabbing a few £££. Most wouldn't let you in with a balaclava but are OK with a significant number of non mask wearers of whom i reckon 1in 50 have a clinical reason not to -unless not being arsed is now a medical condition.
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