Covid and travel discussion

Skaithos booked for aug, pushed on from aug 2020. Its bought and paid for.

feel like i have these options

a) push it on to 2022. Booked through TUI so although a risk they might go bump my money would probably be protected.

b) let it run and see where we are up to nearer the time and if greece goes green. Dont want to risk being there a day and they go amber!

C) see if they will switch the hol to malta or another green country. Run same risk as above and the destination going amber whilst there.

d) let it run til last minute and if greece still amber then try for a refund.

Bollocksed if i know whats best. But i do know the clock is ticking …quickly!!
Hi mate
I've got canaries booked for October.
I think the whole of the Canaries have had a bit of a spike in cases so that's probably why their still amber sadly.
With regards to the none quarantine regs I've heard these should start perhaps July 19 in line with the big reopening or August, the idea being if your double jabbed (2 weeks after 2nd jab) then you won't have to quarantine.

The reality is still the travel industry is on its knees and the government to cautious and nonsensical in some of its approach.
Cheers Matt. Fingers crossed it can be moved to green on the 15th July. Too many unanswered questions at the moment. Me and the misses are double vaccinated but what’s the rulings with kids??
Cheers Matt. Fingers crossed it can be moved to green on the 15th July. Too many unanswered questions at the moment. Me and the misses are double vaccinated but what’s the rulings with kids??
If the parents are vaccinated the kids can go with them is what I understand.
The shuttle is a superb service but it’s too far for me to get to Brittany when there is a ferry service.
Did it one but much prefer a short drive once I get to France.
I quite agree. The last time I went was in 2015 to a gite in Hesdin with a couple of friends, only 70 miles from the Shuttle, but we had an overnight at the Ibis at the Cite de Europe on the first and last nights. I. too, am getting too old for this shit! There's no real difference in travel to the ports, be it Plymouth or Folkestone, so the travel costs are comparable.
Cheers Matt. Fingers crossed it can be moved to green on the 15th July. Too many unanswered questions at the moment. Me and the misses are double vaccinated but what’s the rulings with kids??

I go to Tenerife a lot and I am missing it. Their whole approach is even more haphazard than ours. They locked down much harder than ourselves and for longer but it didn't really help. The ones who live in the more tourist South blame the ones in the north for the spike in cases. I'm amazed for an island that relies predominantly on tourism they haven't got their house in order yet. They have just moved to level three again, all indoor facilities closed and only 75% capacity on terraces and an 11pm closure. The ridiculous mask wearing outdoors is supposed to end this week but we'll see.
When you get the main political gaffer in Ibiza saying they can’t wait to get the brits back Wee Jimmy Krankies evil step mother is playing to the German cheap seats and only that, France will allow us double jabbed

They are crying out for the Brits back. The Germans and other nations might go there but nobody spends money like the Brits. The Germans go all inclusive and at night sit in the hotel's playing cards nursing one coffee or half a beer all night. They do the same if they actually do venture out to a bar. The Spanish who go to the Canaries are the same. They take their own picnic baskets to the beach and at night go walking after dinner, but very few frequent the bars.

Yes some of us Brits can be a bloody nuisance abroad but ask any business owner who they want to return and we are top of the list
If I go overseas this year it will most likely be later in the year, probably in Oct/Nov, once I've had chance to see how things pan out. If not, I'll just wait until next year. I'm not that desperate to go away that I'm going to spend money if it's a massive hassle and shit when you get there.
Got two weeks in zante booked through tui mid august, looking extremely unlikely now, hoped greece would be added to green list this time

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