Well-Known Member
Seen a couple of articles suggesting this could happen.
The whole system is up for review before 1st October, so as far as I can tell they have 3 options; scrap it, modify it or keep it as it is.
Can't see them scrapping it but some kind of modification seems the most realistic outcome.
It would be so fucking typical of these charlatans to make it a simplified process from October onwards, when the general summer holiday season is essentially over.
I swear they get pleasure from the punishment they dish out to the travel industry; months and months of truly baffling (and secretive) decisions that have completely fucked us over and the road to recovery is going to take years and years.
I hear Co-op Travel are closing all but 40 branches from October to December and putting those staff on unpaid leave.
Furlough ending is a disaster for an industry that is unable to get back on its feet thanks to these knobbers in charge.
The way they have treated the tourism industry is shocking. Lots of families rely on it directly and then you have the knock on effect to suppliers etc.
All seems dependant on coercing people to holiday in the UK and ignoring the fact we have some of the worst covid statistics in the world, so hardly a safe place to visit.
Hopefully we can also get rid of the word staycation from the vocabulary in the process