Blue>Red said:
SkyBlueFlux said:
I'm just old enough to remember feeling too old for Beyblades when they came about. I think I was about 12/13 and so everybody in our year group looked down at them. Pokémon was top dog and everything else remotely animé was seen as a rip off, including Digimon and Yu-Gi-Oh!.
you must have been in my year, everything pokemon related got banned, full on fights took place over a card
Yeah, there was similar uproar at my school over them as well. Essentially there was two complaints coming from parents:
1) That trading cards were creating a bullying culture, and violence would break out over a shiny Articuno (which was true enough).
2) That they should be classed as toys under the school regulations and so were distracting kids from studying.
In the end our school was good enough to compromise, they allowed trading cards but only in one specific area of the playground. This area was watched over by a member of staff at all times so they could oversee things. If the cards were seen out anywhere else they were confiscated. My mate lost a deck of 500 that way (which I think he got back but only at the end of the year).
Talk about a lot of fuss!