Brail have an existential dilemma, flair and charisma is their ace in the pocket.
If you going to get technical, they can do that but it's not their forte.
As a brazilian, we died a little ever since Ronsldinho left.
And it really breaks my heart.
The game is today is too "Structured/ proffesional" for the Brazilian spirit to truly run free. ( I do believe that this approach would win a world cup). Coached out! It's like when a company like VW takes over Buggatti or Lamborghini. My mom and I are crying every world cup as a brazilian its obligatory, there is a part of this that is related to capitalism and colonialism that has killed/ cleansed / sanitized, choose your adjective.
Where is the spirit of Gaurincha, or the original Ronaldo,Danilson, Rivaldo,Roberto Carlos, Ronaldinho, Danilson , Socrates, I could go on.
What's wrong with a team of flair players?
I do believe that brazilian woman and the most spectacular rear ends on the planet, has a significant correlation on the way football should be played in our country. We need to go back to Samba and ass at all costs!