Yes, we certainly lack freedom in the UK. Not just in terms of arms, but in many other areas also.
Ok, you believe that our Government could never become tyrannical. Why exactly?
America has been invaded... by us. No-one could successfully invade the US, because most citizens have guns. America would be ripe for invading atm , considering their troops are stretched thin around the globe - if it weren't for the 2nd amendment. The only way they could be brought to their knees is through Nukes or an outside War of attrition (whereby they'd be economically drained) and of course, inflation.
The gang violence ship well and truly sailed? In the short term, yes. The War on Drugs has a lot to answer for in that respect. Hopefully the US Gov will tackle the fundamental problems (poverty and abolishing the war on drugs) instead of wasting time and money creating and tackling the symptoms.
The presence of the airlines having the tools to keep their passengers safe will lead to more hijackings? I never said Airlines should allow passengers to bring firearms on the plane. I am talking about the Airline themselves. Atleast allow the Airlines to decide - do not dictate to them. It is my opinion that if the Airlines were allowed to protect their plane and passengers 911 wouldn't have happened (imagine that! think of the implications) and that Airlines would be far safer. You may have a different opinion. You'd simply fly on airlines that were "gun free" , I wouldn't.
As for "easy pickings", I was referring to the citizens (I tend to use the word "Country", sorry) and a potential tyrannical government. Im sure Jews would have liked a firearm or 2, 60+ years ago, in Germany (Europes most civilised nation before then). Of course, Hitler knew better than to allow them to defend themselves. Besides, we would have been easy pickings for the Nazi's had it not been for the US and Hitler himself.
As for your last paragraph. If you want to put your life in the hands of chance, then fine. I'd rather know that I can defend myself, no matter what.
On the point of knives and guns. You cant fight for your freedom, against a tyrannical government, with a meat clever.