They have gone from unavailable to illness and while I full appreciate the fact that players and the club would have a blanket policy or respecting the players right not to have his Covid status broadcast at pressers that Pep does if the player if given the all clear and is raring to go their must come a point in time where Covid isolation mandates will become a thing of the past.
of course in a football club at any level especially an elite level testing and isolation will be the norm for sometime I would think if the player has recovered in a couple of days then he should be able to train.
In the community at least here in oz with these latest two strains we have so many asymptomatic cases rightly or wrongly its being viewed as the flu or common cold in terms of how respond to it.
I have had the current strain twice and isolated both times and fortunately it hasn't hit me that hard but around 50 per cent at least in my suburb have contracted it even though officially only around 15 per cent have been recorded as cases.