Cult Farewell to klipperty

Watching some his goodbyes he came over as very insincere.

Compared to him leaving Dortmund where he did look totally gutted in leaving.'

The hand on heart gesture was wearing very thin after he did it fo the thousandth time.
To be fair to him I bet he's glad now. They are a fucking strange bunch and he's best away from them. He'll go onto better things. He'll say the odd bit of nonsense about them, but they're not any better than Dortmund fans and he was there for a good few seasons as well. I'd wager he has as much affinity with Dortmund as he does with the grief monkeys.
To be fair to him I bet he's glad now. They are a fucking strange bunch and he's best away from them. He'll go onto better things. He'll say the odd bit of nonsense about them, but they're not any better than Dortmund fans and he was there for a good few seasons as well. I'd wager he has as much affinity with Dortmund as he does with the grief monkeys.
Bet he's massively relieved.
Like extricating yourself from Scientology.
Bet he's massively relieved.
Like extricating yourself from Scientology.

Some of the things he said over the years and on Sunday showed the cult and their leader to be a perfect fit to be fair.

The bloke is a walking talking parody of scousers blaming everyone but themselves.
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The lunatic looked glad to be escaping the asylum to be honest

If he retained any semblance of normality during his tenure there that would be the case. You couldn't be in that insane cult like goldfish bowl for long and stay sane. He looked thoroughly fed up at the end and as you say glad to get the fuck out of there.
The lunatic looked glad to be escaping the asylum to be honest
Yep. Can't say as I blame him. Imagine working in that cloying, suffocating atmosphere all week. No matter where you look, as far as the eye can see, wall-to-wall dippery. Red walls, red floors, red furniture, and that fucking awful, grating accent assaulting your ears, day in and day out.
Being in the company of one single, fully paid-up member of the cult would be sufficient cause to commit suicide, imagine being amongst hundred of thousands of them twice a week for years and years.

Almost to a man they are out there on their own as space cadets and fuckwits :)
Is this what that banner is referring to??


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