Cumbrian Floods

My girlfriend and I were due to go to Windermere the weekend after next and stay in her bosses boat at the Marina. We checked with him last week to see what the situation was like up there and if it was still safe to go up, apparently his boat, along with 34 others, has sunk! The Marina looks like a special effects shot from the film Pearl Harbour!
Just been watching countryfile, showing a farmer whos barley field is now just a field full of rocks, poor sod!
You really have to feel a bit sorry for cumbria when you think about it... firstly there was chernobyl when the cumbrian fells were one of the most contaminated places in northern europe due to prevailing winds, then foot n mouth when they were the worst affected area in the country, now the floods! I bet unlucky Alf must live in cumbria.

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