daft things that scared you when you were little...

blueshortshorts said:
Daddy long legs


And daleks.

Daleks were bastids. I even refrained from getting in one in Blackpool when I was a kid.What kid of that age wanted to sit in a Dalek for 5 pence?

If they did they were weirdos.
Spiders, Day of the triffids, Car wash's, my Gran's very steep stairs i fell down!
blueshortshorts said:
Ok I'll go first:


being in the bath when the plug was taken out ( thought i'd go down the plughole)

Dr Who

Phantom Rasberry blower..the two ronnies :(

I was the same with The Phantom Raspberry Blower, also Creepy Crawlies and the closing theme tune to Fat Tulip's Garden!

Fuck Salem's lot!!, that used to shit me up!.I used to watch this when i was about 6!!.Not good. I watched it back about a year ago, shocking film!.Not scarey one bit!.
Nuclear war. Used to have a recurring nightmare that I was convinced was armageddon and that it was going to happen.

My grandma's attic where I had to sleep for 2 years when I was 5.

and like someone else, escalators.
The window cleaner. I remember my sister telling me one day it was a man who's car I hit playing football coming back to kill me for scuffing the paint.

She's a woman....
simonk said:
BimboBob said:
Sea Devils.

They came out of the sea at Southsea, were i lived! The sofa was a good barrier against their hoof ray gun i can tell you.

I remember being scared by the sea devils., far scarier than cybermen and darleks

-- Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:05 am --

there was a show on I think sunday nights in the 70s that ended with a spotlight shining on an armchair or swivel chair. It was a horror type thing. Anyone remember the name?

Think it was called "Armchair Thriller"
4kin bin motors, i was terrified of the buggers.

I had nightmares i was thrown in the back of one, i hated bin day when i was a kid, everytime they came in the street, i was off like a hare.

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