daft things that scared you when you were little...


scared the bejesus out of me
My dad bought me a hunchback of notredam nodding doll when I was about 5 (not the disney one) and it used to scare the shit out of me at night when the wind blew through the windows!
I used to love watching Crimewatch as a kid, but I knew that when it ended I would be feeling a bit scared. But then he had to say at the end of every episode, sleep tight and don't have nightmares.

I would turn every light on upstairs as I was scared someone would be up there and I wouldn't go to sleep without my light on. I would be fine for the rest of the month and then I would watch the next episode. My mum must have realised that it shit me up, but still let me go through the trauma every month.
there was another scarecrow on worzel once and they had a boxing match. it scared the shite out of me.

the thought that if i stepped out of bed, something would grab my ankle. used to jump across the room.

the sound of the hoover (when i was real young)

sunday nights i used to dream that a skeleton was at the top of our stairs sat on a rocking chair knitting.

and finally, the film - the people under the stairs. it came on one night when my mam and dad were at a party next door. i was so scared, i wouldn't get up to turn it over and couldn't reach the remote.

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