Daily Mail...At it again...

de niro said:
let them keep their delusion and fear, makes winning everything even more enjoyable.

btw, who the fuck buys newspapers anymore?
Spot on!
The only people who buy the Wail are right wing fascists for the actual paper and rags for sportsmail
Can't see too much wrong with the Mail story. At least they are not suggesting that we overpaid, especially recognising that he would be available for free next season...although he would not have come here for free.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
samharris said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:

please please please cut and paste !!!

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2029396/Arsenal-agree-24m-Samir-Nasri-fee-Manchester-City.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/footba ... -City.html</a>

try that

Haha, that is fucking funny. Innocence is the funniest thing ever.
lionheart said:
Can't see too much wrong with the Mail story. At least they are not suggesting that we overpaid, especially recognising that he would be available for free next season...although he would not have come here for free.

That is surely a point that's being missed by the knockers who ars saying that City overpaid. Even if Nasri had stayed and still been available next year he would not have moved for free. The difference here is that Arsenal will pocket the £20m + now, instead of Nasri and his Agent in 12 mths time.

Good business by Arsenal, good business by City, as we get him when we want him -now.

Time for some people to get real about this.
Fuck em i say, ive grown to have thick skin when it comes to this shit cos at the end of the day they write this shit from the stench in their jox! They are all shiiting themselves - cmon Bobby get this super team working well together and lets shove it up their arses!!!!!!!!!

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