Daily Mail - Given's future 'in doubt'

The Daily Mail - where to start... if they said it was going to go dark later today I'd probably wait and see.
zeven said:
The smartest thing City can do is, split it.

Shay Given play the PL games this season
Joe Hart play the cups (all 3 of them)

Then from next season we can decide.

We need both.
Not that I disagree that might be a good idea, but I have never seen it work.
vincent wrote:
Perhaps its bollox - but, if Joe Hart is number 1 next season where does leave Shay ?

on the bench

Exactly. He has had bad injury problems in the past and is going on 33.

3 years at top level left in him max. Hart has over 10 years and will only get better. There are plenty of matches to be played some of these players will have to be happy playing in all the cup matches.

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