Danny Simpson on Edin Dzeko

It's unbelievable that people keep using the same old stuff about how we are negative, we play 3 defensive midfielders, we only play one up front. It's embarassing enough when i read it on a forum, let alone when i read it from a profressional footballer who is supposed to have an understanding of the game

Nothing was negative about the way we played yesterday, a game lasts for 90 minutes not 20 and it was ridiculous for people to be calling us negative/defensive because we weren't on top in the first 20 minutes

Jason Roberts and Danny Simpson think they know better than Mancini, their managers don't even know better than Mancini let alone them two
Jason Roberts has 27 goals in all comps in 5 years at Blackburn. That's 143 appearances and 27 goals. Compare that to Edin's first 7 months in England 22 games in all comps, 7 goals and 2 assists. I make that 45.5 goals in an equivalent 143 games (plus I'm certain his scoring rate will rocket this season).

Stats are largely irrelevant though, it's all about all round gameplay. Is there any team in the world who would rather have Jason Roberts than Edin Dzeko? I think not. Simpson is a shocking player too, shouldn't be anywhere near a premiership club.
We probably had 10 times more shots in our first game than Blackburn and Newcastle will have all season, combined. But we are defensive and 'pony'.
It's funny that Danny Simpson's father, Sampson (Security guy at JD Arndale) is a big City fan/Guvnor.
Hmm, isnt this bringing the game into disrepute charge material. id have thought Roberts would have more to say on losing at home to Wolves and being forced to do dodgy Tv commercials for thier owners than speak about us.

And the other one, never heard of him. Sums up his club though, bunch of whiny soft bastards. Even thier tough guy barton goes down after a slap. Just surprised that club have posted stuff on twitter and not sent it via letter to the FA.

But very very unprofessional by both. Im sure our players are thinking "who?".
Felt the need to change Dzeko for Simpson and 27m to £750,000. Not that'll it'll change much, just felt the need to do so.

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