David Cameron

Forzacitizens said:
i ask again, so what did labour do for the poor in the last 10 years?

Minimum wage....which the tories said would be a disaster

tax credits....which the tories said would be a disaster

Free TV license for over 75s

free bus travel for pensioners

How many new schools and hospitals have they built?

Labour did one thing wrong, after they introduced the 10% tax rate they reversed it and that cost them badly
as someone who voted Tory in the last election and who has done so for at least 20 years I can safely say I will not be doing so again

he lied in his manifesto and had I been aware that they were going to do half the stuff they are now saying they'll do, I wouldn't have voted for him
alib said:
as someone who voted Tory in the last election and who has done so for at least 20 years I can safely say I will not be doing so again

he lied in his manifesto and had I been aware that they were going to do half the stuff they are now saying they'll do, I wouldn't have voted for him

A politician lied, call the press we've had a revalation.
Yep....doing a shocking job of tidying up this godawful mess someone left behind. He should be dishing out money to us all left right and centre.

Forzacitizens said:
Rascal said:
A total waste of space, he is a closet fascist.

ridiculous comment
His government is a disgrace and the Lib Dems have behaved appalingly grabbing some power against there principles.

which politicians don't? the almighty labour?
There is no economic need to reduce the deficit in 4 years, it is idealogically lead from a far right small government perspective.

have you not noticed the debt? or do you think money grows on trees?

A govt that didnt even have a majority of MPs is attacking the working class of this country and its asault on benefits whilst allowing bankers to get on average a £70,000 bonus is criminal.

the benefit system is ridiculous, it needs to be re-made, to get rid of the scroungers, and to encourage people to get back to work

Take child benefit from the not so well off so bankers can still get bonuses .......is that the Country we voted for?

it seems that the majority didn't vote for labour, so yes they did. the child benefit is also affecting the higher earners in society

I strongly beleive he has got the child benefit wrong. I have 3 young kids (1, 3 and 6) so my wife stays at home to look after them. I earn around 48k all in but we will loose all the child benefit in 2013. My wife does not claim any benefit at all. Surely this can't be right. One person earning £48k must be equivalent to 2 people earning £20k each after tax thresholds are taken into consideration.

This will be Cameron's '10p tax'....mark my words
Finally, people begin to see what the Tories are really about.

I hope all you people who voted them in are happy now.

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