David Makin's extraordinary outburst on GMR, 1998

Didsbury Dave said:
thegoat10 said:
I am almost 100% certain it was the Bury home game.
The guy that run on the pitch ripping us his season ticket went on to run the boozer across the road from my house.
Good times.

It may well have been Bury. That was a real low point, that game.

Can you remember a year or so after this when Willie Donnachie had an outburst at us fans in the MEN?

He had been slagged off to the hilt at the Darlington FA Cup game and he said that the whole club had started to wallow in our misfortune and slag off everyone and everything?

He was right in the main, too

Not only do I remember the Makin outburst I was at that Darlington away game very near the dugout and it was depressing. The relationship between the players/staff and the fans was at breaking point. God knows how we snatched a replay that night (Dickov again!). Not to sound like an old fart but please remember this was only ten years ago when you start whining that we are signing RSC and not Eto'o today. Let's not try and act too spoilt eh?
everytime i see that dog on the churchill insurance advert it reminds me of frank clarke, it looks just like him. So frank, fifty one professionals at the club and playing macclesfield as a derby game, are you dissapointed? No, No, No, No
blue_paul said:
Petetheblu said:
I don't think we've had to many decent level headed chairman/owner at City, David Berstein being the only one who had financial knowledge and could of stirred us away from where we nearly ended....Bancrupt!

Saying that, It's been a hell of a ride. Ding ding round 2!!!

Do you think that Maybe Bernstein is hel in a bit too high of a regard by the City faithful? He did agree to substantial amounts of Keegans spending such as 5 million on Macken when we were strolling towards promotion. He could of reigned him in earlier and we wouldn't of been in such a financial mess under Pearce's stint at club.

I couldn't agree with you more.

Bernstein did a great job stabilising the club and controlling expenditure but then he back Keegan way to far. As well as the players mentioned, there was the likes of Fowler, Mills, that big bald lummox he used to play left midfield, MCManaman etc.

That was the period which put City in the mess which Frank then the ARabs hae just bailed us out from.
I think I've got (had) that on a audio tape that was sold by GMR. It was called "Back in the Big Time" or something like that.

The tape doucumented the Promotion under Big Joe and mentions Makin calling in as the precursor to getting Joe Royle.
Bredbury Blue said:
I think I've got (had) that on a audio tape that was sold by GMR. It was called "Back in the Big Time" or something like that.

The tape doucumented the Promotion under Big Joe and mentions Makin calling in as the precursor to getting Joe Royle.

I had that tape too. I forgot about that.

The book "Blue Moon Rising" has the full transcript of his rant in there.
blue_paul said:
Petetheblu said:
I don't think we've had to many decent level headed chairman/owner at City, David Berstein being the only one who had financial knowledge and could of stirred us away from where we nearly ended....Bancrupt!

Saying that, It's been a hell of a ride. Ding ding round 2!!!

Do you think that Maybe Bernstein is hel in a bit too high of a regard by the City faithful? He did agree to substantial amounts of Keegans spending such as 5 million on Macken when we were strolling towards promotion. He could of reigned him in earlier and we wouldn't of been in such a financial mess under Pearce's stint at club.

He tried reiging Keegan in but everytime he said no...Keegan went running to Wardle & Makin begging them for more cash...which he duly got. In the end, the Fowler transfer brought things to a head.
I'm sure that I posted about Makin a few years back about the reason for him calling in and giving it some...I heard that Makin was raging partly because of what was happening but partly because he'd had a few stiff drinks. Either way, it needed to be said. Whatever your views on Wardle and Makin, they bankrolled the club when the cupboards were bare without them, I doubt we'd have much of a club right now.
Didsbury Dave said:
Bredbury Blue said:
I think I've got (had) that on a audio tape that was sold by GMR. It was called "Back in the Big Time" or something like that.

The tape doucumented the Promotion under Big Joe and mentions Makin calling in as the precursor to getting Joe Royle.

I had that tape too. I forgot about that.

The book "Blue Moon Rising" has the full transcript of his rant in there.
Ive got a copy of that book signed by the authors that I have never looked at. They were signing copies at WH Smith in the Arndale and noone was going near them, so I took pity and got one!!!!!

Makin used to be a bit of a lad in his day, he used to come away with all us reprobates!!!!
m27 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
thegoat10 said:
I am almost 100% certain it was the Bury home game.
The guy that run on the pitch ripping us his season ticket went on to run the boozer across the road from my house.
Good times.

It may well have been Bury. That was a real low point, that game.

Can you remember a year or so after this when Willie Donnachie had an outburst at us fans in the MEN?

He had been slagged off to the hilt at the Darlington FA Cup game and he said that the whole club had started to wallow in our misfortune and slag off everyone and everything?

He was right in the main, too

Not only do I remember the Makin outburst I was at that Darlington away game very near the dugout and it was depressing. The relationship between the players/staff and the fans was at breaking point. God knows how we snatched a replay that night (Dickov again!). Not to sound like an old fart but please remember this was only ten years ago when you start whining that we are signing RSC and not Eto'o today. Let's not try and act too spoilt eh?

That was the following season.

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