David May, P***k

What it comes down to is this: if an ex player of ours, David Brightwell was mentioned so we'll stick with him for now, threw a 'party' in a foreign country that cost 20quid to enter, on top of plane fair, hotel etc, primarily to laugh at united, or indeed any other club, would I want to attend?

The answer is, fuck no. I can take the piss out of rags for free every day of my life, in fact more often than not I do, so why in the fuck would you want to travel across the sea to do it whilst being fleeced by Steve Bruce's 56th in line understudy?

It'd be pitiful, pathetic and prickish if it was Cantona hosting it, although you could at least see the draw as he's a rag legend but David fucking May?

Seriously, even the rags I know, and I know some fucking moronic ones, would probably pass on this.

As much as we hate them/laugh at them, their obsession with us is fucking weird and it's getting more devout with each passing match...fucking nobs.
kennycar said:
Until we get knocked out of the cups (if we do) it's 34 years without a trophy not 35. People are always getting that wrong, for example if you won a cup in 2009 then again in 2010, that's not 1 year without a trophy is it? I can't view the article though, it says MEN website down for maintenance.

As much as I hate to correct you on this, we will definitely go 35 years without a trophy. Our last trophy was the League Cup which was won on 28 February 1976.
they went 37 years, even with a war on, we went less.

it's funny how thtey call us the noisy neighbours when even ex players of theirs are trying their best to antagonise us?

united are nobodies, built success on the back of the munich disaster and will squeeze every penny they can out of that horrible day in 58' for years and years to come. the tourists obviously not knowledgable to just how horrendous their antics were after that day to the players and their families.

united are in debt. fact. we on the other hand have not yet won a trophy but the day will come when we do. and no doubt thousands, if not all glory hunters, who are united fans will be turning their backs on their beautiful stadium on an industrial estae in salford to a more vibrant, updated area of MANCHESTER a few miles away.

you know what pisses me off even more than the fact david may was born? that every single one of my mates who are rags have not been to see the scum play in the last 10 years, yet they try and call my a gloryhunter?

how can i be a glory hunter when we havent won anything in the past 35 years? and if i was, i'm a shit glory hunter because my first match was when i was six weeks old 24 years ago.

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