David Miliband quitting politics. Is Labour dead?

BoyBlue_1985 said:
The cookie monster said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Would this not be worth betting on closer to the time when Labour have some clear polices and the tories are nearing the end of ripping the heart out of every young person alive
Labour could be 1/25 nearer the time the way these tory ***** are going
So get the good price now :)
Just saying strange things can happen. We might strike oil in Plymouth and all be rich in 3 years time. Also we dont really know any Labour polices either way it doesn't bother me because im voting BNP all the way

So I take it no EDL candidate is standing in your constituency?
Seriously though,you weigh up all relevant factors,and likely occurrences,and place your bets accordingly,as with any other form of gambling.
Betting patterns suggest that Labour are currently hardening in the market,(that means more likely to win),but any freak event in the interim,such as Dave having George Osborne publicly executed on prime time television,could swing things back in favour of the Tories.
But it would have to be a pretty big swing,based on current predictions.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
The cookie monster said:
Labour could be 1/25 nearer the time the way these tory ***** are going
So get the good price now :)
Just saying strange things can happen. We might strike oil in Plymouth and all be rich in 3 years time. Also we dont really know any Labour polices either way it doesn't bother me because im voting BNP all the way

So I take it no EDL candidate is standing in your constituency?
Seriously though,you weigh up all relevant factors,and likely occurrences,and place your bets accordingly,as with any other form of gambling.
Betting patterns suggest that Labour are currently hardening in the market,(that means more likely to win),but any freak event in the interim,such as Dave having George Osborne publicly executed on prime time television,could swing things back in favour of the Tories.
But it would have to be a pretty big swing,based on current predictions.

No found out EDL are not a political group just a bunch of highly intellectual shaven headed people out to prove a point of some sort.
Im pretty bad at betting, if I stopped now and used all my savings to try and make money I would be begging by tomorrow morning
Just out of interest would the bookies of paid out on the Conservatives winning the last general election considering nobody really won?
BoyBlue_1985 said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Just saying strange things can happen. We might strike oil in Plymouth and all be rich in 3 years time. Also we dont really know any Labour polices either way it doesn't bother me because im voting BNP all the way

So I take it no EDL candidate is standing in your constituency?
Seriously though,you weigh up all relevant factors,and likely occurrences,and place your bets accordingly,as with any other form of gambling.
Betting patterns suggest that Labour are currently hardening in the market,(that means more likely to win),but any freak event in the interim,such as Dave having George Osborne publicly executed on prime time television,could swing things back in favour of the Tories.
But it would have to be a pretty big swing,based on current predictions.

No found out EDL are not a political group just a bunch of highly intellectual shaven headed people out to prove a point of some sort.
Im pretty bad at betting, if I stopped now and used all my savings to try and make money I would be begging by tomorrow morning
Just out of interest would the bookies of paid out on the Conservatives winning the last general election considering nobody really won?

That would all depend on what your bet was.
You can bet on 'party to win most seats',(in which case if you backed the Tories last time then you collect your winnings),or 'party to win with an overall majority',(which would have no winning bets at the last election).
Obviously the odds on a straightforward victory are considerably shorter than those on an outright working majority.
The Labour party died when the Attlee Government lost power.

I will never vote Labour, and I didn't really like David Miliband when he was Foreign Secretary, but had he been leader, I may have taken a Labour vote into consideration. Not much consideration it must be said, but certainly some consideration as opposed to nothing at all with the rest of the party.

Whatever people say about David Miliband, his intelligence and competence as a man and as a politician far outweighs that of his brother.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Would this not be worth betting on closer to the time when Labour have some clear polices and the tories are nearing the end of ripping the heart out of every young person alive

Young people have far more hatred for the Lib Dems at the moment. We knew what we were getting with the Tories whereas the Lib Dems completely betrayed us.

Labour will have to find money out of thin air to keep adults and young people happy at the next election.
Seosa said:
The Labour party died when the Attlee Government lost power.

I will never vote Labour, and I didn't really like David Miliband when he was Foreign Secretary, but had he been leader, I may have taken a Labour vote into consideration. Not much consideration it must be said, but certainly some consideration as opposed to nothing at all with the rest of the party.

Whatever people say about David Miliband, his intelligence and competence as a man and as a politician far outweighs that of his brother.

I recently had a long conversation with a senior member of the CBI who spends most of his time in London and is a familar face in Downing street.
He claims that whilst David Milliband is one of the most arrogant, smug, obnoxious people he has ever met he also is / was a superb politician and could simply switch it on for the cameras and the media ( as per Blair). He also claims that without a doubt he would have been the next PM for sure. He say's that this view is widely held and supported by the majority of Tories.
The unions screwed massively when they opted for brother Ed.
I genuinely don't believe the British public will vote for Ed - they just won't! He has no credibility, charisma or personality (remember these days its X factor politics - Nick Clegg is 100% living proof of that in the debates before the last election) and whilst he has Ed Balls as his sidekick he 'aint going anywhere near Downing Street!
gordondaviesmoustache said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Happy to have a wager on this NF. What do you define as "convincingly"?

I would say having an overall majority was convincing,if you fancy £20 to the charity of the winners choice, my friend.
I can hear the backtracking as I type ;-)

You think a majority of one, with the Electoral system we have, is convincing?

What would be an unconvincing majority?

It wont happen. If anything there will be another hung parlament.
As one door closes another opens.

Ed & David Miliband

Bert & Ernie
BluePurgatory said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I would say having an overall majority was convincing,if you fancy £20 to the charity of the winners choice, my friend.
I can hear the backtracking as I type ;-)

You think a majority of one, with the Electoral system we have, is convincing?

What would be an unconvincing majority?

It wont happen. If anything there will be another hung parlament.

I can see that happening. The lib dums would love to play kngmakers again.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
The cookie monster said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Would this not be worth betting on closer to the time when Labour have some clear polices and the tories are nearing the end of ripping the heart out of every young person alive
Labour could be 1/25 nearer the time the way these tory ***** are going
So get the good price now :)
Just saying strange things can happen. We might strike oil in Plymouth and all be rich in 3 years time. Also we dont really know any Labour polices either way it doesn't bother me because im voting BNP all the way
voting british Nazi party? scum

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