David Miliband quitting politics. Is Labour dead?

dum spiro spero said:
mackenzie said:
I never really believe that any political animal truly 'steps away' particularly at the age of David Milliband.
I'm sure he will be willing to step up to the plate again if circumstances were such that he was assured of the party backing.

Being high up in an international charity will certainly add another string to his bow. I always believe Blair will be back one day along with Mandleson in some capacity.

Blair will never come back. It's ridiculous to think otherwise. He has had his tenure and is now milking it, and knows it.
Mandelson, meanwhile, is a different kind of politician. Nothing would surprise me where he is concerned. Although I think now, more than ever, he knows to slink into the shadows.
totallywired said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
The cookie monster said:
Labour could be 1/25 nearer the time the way these tory ***** are going
So get the good price now :)
Just saying strange things can happen. We might strike oil in Plymouth and all be rich in 3 years time. Also we dont really know any Labour polices either way it doesn't bother me because im voting BNP all the way
voting british Nazi party? scum
Why would I not vote for them?
mackenzie said:
dum spiro spero said:
mackenzie said:
I never really believe that any political animal truly 'steps away' particularly at the age of David Milliband.
I'm sure he will be willing to step up to the plate again if circumstances were such that he was assured of the party backing.

Being high up in an international charity will certainly add another string to his bow. I always believe Blair will be back one day along with Mandleson in some capacity.

Blair will never come back. It's ridiculous to think otherwise. He has had his tenure and is now milking it, and knows it.
Mandelson, meanwhile, is a different kind of politician. Nothing would surprise me where he is concerned. Although I think now, more than ever, he knows to slink into the shadows.

I read a scenario where Blair could return a while back and it sounded feasible but it was a scenario and i hope it never happens.

Meanwhile i think David Miliband has across a bit mardy to be honest and it hasnt damaged Ed at all who has taken it very well and come out of it better i reckon.
yes the labour party is dead

just tories by another name now

islington luvvies

no policies except blame the other lot and say whatever is needed to get back in power and get back driving the gravy train asap

but they're all the same tbf
Rascal said:
I read a scenario where Blair could return a while back and it sounded feasible but it was a scenario and i hope it never happens.

It was in the I paper. Basically, the scenario was that the Lib Dems actually fared better in 2015 than expected, and though Labour came out on top, they didn't have a majority. In other words, the tables were turned from 2010 but the gap was even smaller between Labour and the Tories.

So, all 3 parties agree to unite under a 3 party Coalition, but on the condition that Miliband isn't Prime Minister.

However, prior to this, Blair had come out of political retirement and become a backbencher in the Labour Party, which gave him a free run at becoming PM for a 2nd time.

Quite disturbing to think that someone actually conjured that story together.
Just been reading Gillian Shepherd's new book on Mrs Thatcher. Not sure how far left New Labour were of her policies.

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