David Platt

Once a rag always a rag, .........errr except when in decline

Should have nothing to do with our club, but I respect Mancini too much to boo the fucker, lets put it this way if he does his job well and the team perform well and he doesn't start spouting shit against us (unlikely given his position) and as long as he knows we know what he has been like over the past few years I will tolerate it.
No idea what a coach does day to day to be honest so it's hard to judge.

I'd wager that most on here know as much about coaching as they do about defensive midfielders and how many we play.
End of Total Recall. Blown out onto Mars surface. Head exploding through complete lack of oxygen - thats Platts face that is.
He's a dick. Pushed himself in front of Bobby last night to go and shake hands with Liverpool management team before Bobby got to em. Disrespectful, and I trust Bobby pulls him on that and we never see it again.
i hear that he is to be in a murder scandal

i hope he pushes gail down the stairs again - proper job though eh dave.
Noticed that when the final whistle went Bob stood up and immediately shook Platt's hand, as in job well done, didn't notice him shakin g anyone else's, not Kidd's anyway.

He is here to stay for good or bad and I think he sees it as his way into management.
The reason for Platt seems pretty obvious, he knows Mancini, he knows how he thinks, he knows how he likes to play, and he knows how to speak fluent English.

Can we not just accept the fact that he's here and deal with it. I don't like him either, but the constant anti-Plattism is just pointless.

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