David Silva

kippax81 said:
Please excuse any spelling or grammatical mistakes in this post................................but its friday night and I am pissed !

However,in my humble opinion,David Silva is probably one of the best footballers I have ever had the privelidge of watching play the beautiful game.
His balance,poise and unflappable demeanor in possession of a football is a joy to behold.As for being a tad lightweight in the tackle...? Bollocks ! Already this
season I have seen DS put more effort into challenges than Bridge,Ade,SWP,
and AJ put together.
If he starts on Sun. which he should,we have a talisman that could rip the
Arse to pieces. This player will be the catalyst around which RB will build his
To summise; this guy is a fucking genius.

If that's when your p**sed, love to read your post when sober. Great
Just have to add, what a brilliant little player Silva is ..... who the hell wants Rooney when we have him?

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