An article here - apologies, it's in German - from a German broadsheet from a few days ago, giving an overview of the situation. No new revelations, but the final section is on what Wolfsburg might do with the money, and suggests that while VW have pots and pots of money, as this isn't generated by the club they need to be as careful about FFP as anyone else, and that selling KDB would allow them to invest in strengthening other positions.
An article here - apologies, it's in German - from a German broadsheet from a few days ago, giving an overview of the situation. No new revelations, but the final section is on what Wolfsburg might do with the money, and suggests that while VW have pots and pots of money, as this isn't generated by the club they need to be as careful about FFP as anyone else, and that selling KDB would allow them to invest in strengthening other positions.