De Jong instead of Diarra!!


Well-Known Member
13 Mar 2009
Cutting Silva's fringe
Remember when we was after Lassana Diarra as our anchor man and we would have signed him if it wasnt for madrid.

If we would have got him then there would be no Nige!

At the time i would have rather had Diarra! and well now its a no brainer! Big Nige all day long

Future captain of the club imo.

Nige <3
Looks good against teams that give him time and space but in three games against the rags he's faded away badly in the last twenty minutes.
A good player-but not the "ultimate midfielder" that some on here seem to think he is IMO.
sorry I dont rate him as highly as you, good tackler but takes too long to decide what to do with the ball when he gets it, and its usually a pass that the opposition have sussed by the time he makes it, also hardly ever gets into scoring positions and cant shoot straight when he does. He's a decent enough player but IMO not what we will need for top 4 regularity or Chumps league.
underated_zino said:
Is that you Nigel...?

No it's me, Lassana. I'm just really glad I didn't come to Manchester - that Robinho told me it's shit ;)
RobbieBrewer said:
Looks good against teams that give him time and space but in three games against the rags he's faded away badly in the last twenty minutes.
A good player-but not the "ultimate midfielder" that some on here seem to think he is IMO.
spot on...always against the rags he looks formidable in the first half.... then just dissapears
Not a big game player? Anyone remember the performance against Chelsea at home. pffft...

Anyway, obviously lass is the more quality player, he has more to his game than just being a destroyer. He is a proper anchor man and can sit deep, spreading the ball with high accuracy. That isn't de jong though, de jong is just a pure terrier in the gattuso mould. Diarra is definitely the more rounded of the two and is by far and away the better player, saying that though I still wouldn't swap him for Nige, the man is a beast and I would rather have him on our side!

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