Dear Atheists..

Hmmmmm. I get where you're coming from but there's a few things I might pick you up on there. For a kick off, there's plenty of evidence to support the idea of a big bang, for example. Although it is not proven. Hardly the same as belief in God, for which there is no evidence.

And pretty much all scientists are troubled by general relatively implying the existance of singularities and the ensuing incompatibility between general relativity and quantum mechanics. And if the scientifically illiterate accept them unquestioning, then (a) more fool them and (b) so what. If they do so, that does not lend any justification to an unquestioning belief in God. Both are daft.
I think we should prepare ourselves for a 'paradigm shift' on Big Bang Theory when the latest James Webb observations are fully analysed.
Loads of folk said ciggies were good for your throat. Another load debunked that. How did either camp affect smoking?
Loads of folk said Hitler was a great man, another load debunked that. How did either camp affect Fascism?
A sense of perspective is always helpful when reflecting on history.
Well, when we are talking perspective, consider this.
Jesus fact or myth is not an enquiry into the origins of the Judaeo-Christian idea that dominates western thinking, but a narrow enquiry into just one aspect, which may be important to Christians but is of little interest to the rest of the world who are the majority. The origins of the idea do not subtend from the historicity or otherwise of Jesus but from, to pick a few, Graeco-Roman philosophy, the Old Testament, the gospels, the writing of St. Paul, and centuries of writing from Christian scholars and other philosophers, the enlightenment and jurisprudence (you won’t find much in the New Testament to support women’s equality or to debunk the evils of slavery), and the revolutions of the 17thC onwards.
I don’t think your response can be considered entirely serious, btw.
I think we should prepare ourselves for a 'paradigm shift' on Big Bang Theory when the latest James Webb observations are fully analysed.
The Big Bang theory is an evidence based approach to understanding the universe we inhabit.

If it is flawed, alternative theories will attempt to further our understanding. It is very unlikely that any deistic god will figure in whatever theory emerges. It is certain that no Theistic god will figure in any serious attempt to understand things.

Newton remained Einstein's hero despite the latter's model of the universe supplanting the former's.

We thought the earthquake was flat. Then we thought it was a sphere. Then we thought it was an oblate spheroid. Now we think it's slightly pear shaped (in that the southern pole is slightly thicker than the northern pole). We look for the truth and as we learn new things we modify our opinion.

Darwin drove God off planet earth, Newton drove him out of the solar system and Einstein consigned him to edges of the known universe.
The Big Bang theory is an evidence based approach to understanding the universe we inhabit.

If it is flawed, alternative theories will attempt to further our understanding. It is very unlikely that any deistic god will figure in whatever theory emerges. It is certain that no Theistic god will figure in any serious attempt to understand things.

Newton remained Einstein's hero despite the latter's model of the universe supplanting the former's.

We thought the earthquake was flat. Then we thought it was a sphere. Then we thought it was an oblate spheroid. Now we think it's slightly pear shaped (in that the southern pole is slightly thicker than the northern pole). We look for the truth and as we learn new things we modify our opinion.

Darwin drove God off planet earth, Newton drove him out of the solar system and Einstein consigned him to edges of the known universe.
Darwin remained a believer, as did his wife whose sensitivity held him back from publishing ‘The Origin…’
Christians of my acquaintance fall into two camps: Darwinians who think ‘The Origin’ explains how god went about his purpose and the Fundamentalists who believe Genesis is the literal truth. One fundamentalist I know maintains that evolution and the fossil record is a conspiracy. She is unable to say who the conspirators are or what they expect to gain! The church she attends is packed to overflowing with like minded people.
Darwin remained a believer, as did his wife whose sensitivity held him back from publishing ‘The Origin…’
Christians of my acquaintance fall into two camps: Darwinians who think ‘The Origin’ explains how god went about his purpose and the Fundamentalists who believe Genesis is the literal truth. One fundamentalist I know maintains that evolution and the fossil record is a conspiracy. She is unable to say who the conspirators are or what they expect to gain! The church she attends is packed to overflowing with like minded people.
I don’t think that even Einstein ever maintained that god doesn’t exist.
Science deals in facts and the more we discover the more sense we can make of what we deem as the origins of the universe…..
But no matter how far we go back there is always the question, ok, but what was there before that. And why?
We can’t imagine nothingness.

Not only Einstein, but I have seen many opinions from seriously clever people that kind of reflect on the possibility that what we cannot prove, is in a way a godlike presence.
We just don’t know what that is and may never.

Now whether you believe in a soul and an afterlife is a different story altogether.
I am troubled by the Big Bang theory. If the whole universe was in a hot dense state, where did it come from?
a) It is the singularity which is the final resting place of a previous universe.
b) It is sui generis and unique
c) God made it.
How does something come from nothing?
I am troubled by the Big Bang theory. If the whole universe was in a hot dense state, where did it come from?
a) It is the singularity which is the final resting place of a previous universe.
b) It is sui generis and unique
c) God made it.
How does something come from nothing?
don't forget god was, is and always will be
johnny will tell you that

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