Seeing the vast majority of the posts about Sam and Sue have made me realise that I am definitely a lurker (not sure I like the word actually, makes me sound like some sort of perv)! I don't go to 'functions' with other Blues, I don't know anyone at all on this Board, other than to post here. If I bumped into someone on here at a game I wouldn't know them from the next guy.
I have no idea how to feel about this, but maybe it's because I've been in the Army for 24+ years, and because of what I do it means I have to move on every 2 or 3 years (mostly after 2 years). That makes you get into the habit of just getting to know people, but make sure you don't get too close as you know for a fact you'll be moving on. Met loads of great guyrs, but never that well that I'd invite them to my 50th! If I'm being totally honest (and I've not been drinking!) it kind of makes me feel like I've missed some things. Hey, but there you go, we all make our choices in life, and one of mine was joining the Army in 1988!
Anyway, long post, but I'm a lurker.........(still don't like the sound of it though)!