Dear Scum: An Open Letter To The Sun

Lucky Toma said:
Cheers for the comments and compliments all. I've just read through the thread now and I'm blown away to be honest.

I hope you blues know me well enough by now to know that the stuff I'm about to write isnt done through trumpet-blowing. Because the subject matter of the article would deem doing so entirely inappropriate.

But just wanted to share what's happened today.

The letter was shared on Facebook (15,000 times) and all over Twitter and various football forums. It quickly gained a life of its own and got a bit scary at times. A lad I havent seen since school got in touch and said his uncle passed it on from his home in Jersey. A cousin texted me and said 'What the fuck? Everyone is talking about your article in a forum I go on'. A film director from New York put it in Twitter and implored his followers to read it and pass it on.
The internet is a mad place at times.

Just checked now and today it was read by 140,000 people.

Thats brilliant, i hope you have started something here.

There will be bronze statues of you on marble plinths across the land, and free beer at any pub or shop in the UK.
I'll stop buying the sun when there's a decent alternative for 30p to read on the bus to work.
Fuzzy Logic said:
I'll stop buying the sun when there's a decent alternative for 30p to read on the bus to work.

The i it's only 20p. A sister paper to The Independent a good alternative IMO

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A review, of sorts, from the BBC
Well done as ever Toma. To convery passion while also remaining articulate and constructing your point is no easy task- you've executed it brilliantly, and words like these deserve the circulation they are receiving.
holy shit
Lucky Toma said:
Cheers for the comments and compliments all. I've just read through the thread now and I'm blown away to be honest.

I hope you blues know me well enough by now to know that the stuff I'm about to write isnt done through trumpet-blowing. Because the subject matter of the article would deem doing so entirely inappropriate.

But just wanted to share what's happened today.

The letter was shared on Facebook (15,000 times) and all over Twitter and various football forums. It quickly gained a life of its own and got a bit scary at times. A lad I havent seen since school got in touch and said his uncle passed it on from his home in Jersey. A cousin texted me and said 'What the fuck? Everyone is talking about your article in a forum I go on'. A film director from New York put it in Twitter and implored his followers to read it and pass it on.
The internet is a mad place at times.

Just checked now and today it was read by 140,000 people.
Get fukn in there ya Bluemooner ye.
Nice 1 Toma.

im actually gonna read it now!<br /><br />-- Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:30 pm --<br /><br />cant get on the that many people?
Just read it, very well written.

The main thing i would complement you on is the strength to not get angry and get it all down. Hpoefully people be inspired to create more articles like this.
Lucky Toma said:
Cheers for the comments and compliments all. I've just read through the thread now and I'm blown away to be honest.

I hope you blues know me well enough by now to know that the stuff I'm about to write isnt done through trumpet-blowing. Because the subject matter of the article would deem doing so entirely inappropriate.

But just wanted to share what's happened today.

The letter was shared on Facebook (15,000 times) and all over Twitter and various football forums. It quickly gained a life of its own and got a bit scary at times. A lad I havent seen since school got in touch and said his uncle passed it on from his home in Jersey. A cousin texted me and said 'What the fuck? Everyone is talking about your article in a forum I go on'. A film director from New York put it in Twitter and implored his followers to read it and pass it on.
The internet is a mad place at times.

Just checked now and today it was read by 140,000 people.

Superb news and very well deserved for the manner in which it was written, & if it means a change in this rags editorial policy (unlikely) or a drop in its circulation and thus its income, then a great result.

Now to have the sun and all links to it banned from Bluemoon, if only in memory of MVF.
well done LT, i read it as soon as you posted it the other day but had to go out, i've just read it again and it's bang on the money.

hopefully the word of mouth spreads and this carries on being passed about, maybe posting it on RAWK or something because the scousers will definitely get behind it (i know people's opinion of RAWK but they're also right about the sun).

again, well done, great article.

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