Death penalty in UK.

Fowlers Penalty Miss said:
Not the death penalty.

I have done jury service twice now, and it is nerve wracking enough sending someone to prison for burglary, even though you are constantly told your decision should be 'beyond reasonable doubt'.

There is always a doubt, but to send someone to their death in such circumstances would be unimaginable. There have been, and there always will be, miscarriages of justice, for whatever reason. The jurers who made their decisions in those cases were relying on the evidence being placed in front of them being accurate and fair. There is no other way of looking at it.

Given the failings of the judicial system which we are all familiar with, could you, would you, want to send someone to their death.

I know how nerve wracking it can be sending someone to prison. I could not imagine the horror of sending someone to their death.

I could'nt do it, it would be too much.

I totally agree.
Lets not forget some of us where talking about putting to death kiddie fiddling perverts and rapists.

Not thieves, but sicko's that go on abusing little children untill they are caught again.

If 1 mistake was made and it saved even 1 little kid from that kind of thing it would be worth it in my eyes.

ps Ernesto mate, we are not talking about the world war 1 crimes but modern day perverts being sentanced for their crimes.
The death penalty has no place in a civilised society. Simple.
Aye and it doesn't change anything. Just look at America. Thats the future and it aint pretty.
Even now, mistakes are made when prosecuting people. If someone innocent is killed in the name of `justice', then wher do that leave the legal system?

In the end, its not about `justice'..the death of a person will not bring back someones wife, or son, or daughter, or father or mother. Its about revenge and anger. That doesnt go away. We dont lose the anger and sense of injustice that a loved one has been taken away from us...
There hasn't been that many who were hanged and then found out years later that they were not guilty I know that is no consolation to the people or the families BUT there are too many who deserve to die and if I was on the jury and some lawyer convinced me that the person / peopl ewere guilty then OK they hang DONT come back ten twenty years later and say sorry but we got it wronr thta was your fault NOT mine
Forzacitizens said:
i would agree to the death penalty - for extreme cases i.e those that openly admit to their crimes, or repeat offenders etc

for more complex cases just increase prison sentences
thats what im trying to say, only when you can prove it beyond doubt and if the case is bad enough.
mammutly said:
Anybody that believes in the death penalty has the exact same kind of hate and confused morality issues that inspire murderers.
so if someone does something horrific to a person like tortures them to death over a number of months for no reason is killed, then the law is a murderer? if murderers killed peolpe who did horrific things for no reason then I would congratulate still keep an eye on them though but if they just killed murderers who kill inocent people then i wouldnt be bothered. its better killing one murderer than letting him kill lots of inocent people. like if the nazis were killed then 6 million jews would not have been killed, loosing a lower number of people is better than loosing a grewater number of people.
brass neck said:
I'd say no to the death penalty for a few reasons.

1. Because its murder and it would be a hypocritical system to murder someone as a response to them murdering someone.
2. The aforementioned noticeable cases of miscarriages of justice
3. For many of the nutters it would be a far to easy way out (let them live with there crime)
4. The expense of locking them up would only be counteracted by the expense of countless appeals as they start to sweat on death row.

Instead i would.

Make the justice system a little more basic.

For crimes against the community shop lifting, vandalism, drunk and disorderly etc i would bring back a modern, very well policed version of the stocks, rotten fruit etc supplied and sold by the state, it would make money for charity the supermarkets could donate out of date veg,the money made could go to victims of crime and other good causes.Don't under estimate the power of humiliation to stop people committing acts that are deemed unacceptable.

For kiddy fiddling, rape, serious assaults, armed crimes, man love id have a mandatory 10 year sentence that has to be served, BUT in prisons that are thoroughly SHIT, no gyms, play stations etc etc, id have a shift system... day shift works, then uses the bed vacated and cleaned by the night shift, this would solve the lack of prisons space problem over night...get them cleaning the streets in chained gangs, doing veg picking, all those jobs nobody can be arsed doing in our country....

we have tried happy clappy, positive justice systems, the experiment has failed look at the amount currently spending time at her majesty's pleasure.

I say time to get back to justice being something that makes you think twice about your actions.

If it doesn't stop the crimes, at least we can sleep safely and comfortably in the knowledge the scum is having a thoroughly shit time inside...
i think this is one of the best posts on this topic, also if we did this then it wouldnt cost US, the tax payers, over £1000 a week to keep people like Peter Suttcife alive and well, and give him access to the internet, games consoles, tv, 3 meals a day, a place to comfortable bed to sleep on...

id do this up untill a certain point, and when it gets beyond that point and you can prove it then the person should be killed.

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