Death penalty in UK.

tueartsboots said:
keemcfc said:
Baby Ps Killers, Mores Murderers, Peter Suttcife, The 2 Children and The Baby on The found on the railway (forgot the names, no disrespect meant)...

...Rape-Killers, Child-Rape-Killers...

...In my onpinion should all be putt to death, I hate the law in this contry, human rights? it should be stopped when you get to this horrific level. Its a joke.

When things like these happen and the law can prove who did it 100%, the offender should face immediate death.

Theres probobly a lot of people who disagree with me but what if the victim was your son/daughter, or the closest person to you in your life? If my child was tortured to death then left on a railway in an attempt to 'cover it up', I would make it my goal in life to hunt the people who did it down, and do the same to them, I would then hand myself in and tell the police why I did it. I would find them. I wouldnt hesitate to kill them.

An Eye for and Eye, a life for a life.
What if your son or daughter were the murderer?

No court needed.
i struggle to understand this viewpoint. We as a race have spent thousands of years developing civilisation to the point that we no longer feel the need to punish each other with death and then there pops up a swathe of people who want to just wipe away all that, personally Id rather not return to the dark ages.

AN EYE FOR AN EYE------you know which book that crops up in dont you, if you want to live in a world like that just go and live in Afghanistan.
I'd say no to the death penalty for a few reasons.

1. Because its murder and it would be a hypocritical system to murder someone as a response to them murdering someone.
2. The aforementioned noticeable cases of miscarriages of justice
3. For many of the nutters it would be a far to easy way out (let them live with there crime)
4. The expense of locking them up would only be counteracted by the expense of countless appeals as they start to sweat on death row.

Instead i would.

Make the justice system a little more basic.

For crimes against the community shop lifting, vandalism, drunk and disorderly etc i would bring back a modern, very well policed version of the stocks, rotten fruit etc supplied and sold by the state, it would make money for charity the supermarkets could donate out of date veg,the money made could go to victims of crime and other good causes.Don't under estimate the power of humiliation to stop people committing acts that are deemed unacceptable.

For kiddy fiddling, rape, serious assaults, armed crimes, man love id have a mandatory 10 year sentence that has to be served, BUT in prisons that are thoroughly SHIT, no gyms, play stations etc etc, id have a shift system... day shift works, then uses the bed vacated and cleaned by the night shift, this would solve the lack of prisons space problem over night...get them cleaning the streets in chained gangs, doing veg picking, all those jobs nobody can be arsed doing in our country....

we have tried happy clappy, positive justice systems, the experiment has failed look at the amount currently spending time at her majesty's pleasure.

I say time to get back to justice being something that makes you think twice about your actions.

If it doesn't stop the crimes, at least we can sleep safely and comfortably in the knowledge the scum is having a thoroughly shit time inside...
The same as brass neck.You wouldn`t believe the amount they get away with in prison nowdays.They riot when you take away there argos catalogues!!

If my kids were murdered by anyone quite simply i`d kill the bastards myself.End of!

For minor crimes id re-open all the old army camps,put a big fence around them and let the army beast these 15-25 yr olds for 6 months.After that they can join the army or go back into the community,but believe me they wont be re offending again.
Blue Mania said:
True but "an eye for a eye" will leave the world blind.

I fucking hate that saying, it's stupid.

Any person who is puddled enough to murder, rape, abuse another doesn't deserve a life in my honest opinion.

Some say it would be hypocritical? Fair point, but it would sure stop the morons doing it again, and it would most definitely act as a deterrent to anyone who is even contemplating doing such a thing.
amehh said:
Blue Mania said:
True but "an eye for a eye" will leave the world blind.

I fucking hate that saying, it's stupid.

Any person who is puddled enough to murder, rape, abuse another doesn't deserve a life in my honest opinion.

Some say it would be hypocritical? Fair point, but it would sure stop the morons doing it again, and it would most definitely act as a deterrent to anyone who is even contemplating doing such a thing.

i agree
murderers kill innocents and the death penalty kills criminals so its not really an eye for an eye. its more like justice
So.... some of you want the people who are so morally bankrupt that they can't even stop themselves from stealing off the public to buy widescreen TV's and chandeliers to legislate and oversee State murder???

Fuck me sideways.
ElanJo said:
So.... some of you want the people who are so morally bankrupt that they can't even stop themselves from stealing off the public to buy widescreen TV's and chandeliers to legislate and oversee State murder???

Fuck me sideways.

Well thats not strictly true,as it would be the Judiciary,the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Law Lords who would be the legislators and overseers,not members of parliament.
Though I agree with your opinion on the death penalty itself.

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