Depressing Forum

Chis Kamara said:
This forum is one of the most depressing boards i've ever visited. Full of reactionary non-sense. Everything is so negative all the time. The infighting of the hughes in and hughes out-ers, the berating of players, of Ricky Hatton and Oasis, and of each other. And yes, i realise the irony in airing my criticisms, but we're taking polls on which manager we should have next season for fuck sake - 'Ten managers we should go for who are better than Hughes'! Instead of stipulating what might happen, how about we show some gratitude for what we've got. Remember the season under Pearce when we didn't see a goal at home from new year onwards? I think this take over has gone to people's heads. How about a little patience - It has been one season. I find it so infuriating that players like Richard Dunne are getting slated. I understand we must look to the future but that doesn't make it any more acceptable. Where would we be without him?
One thing this season has taught me, however, is that us city fans are certainly not the best fans in the world. Some of us are thick as pig shit. Next season how about we act humble, grateful, and get behind the team that we have playing for us?
Also, why don't we drop the general hostility present on this board. Those kids that signed up and got verbally abused - there was no need. It seems like 50% of replies on here either consist of 'RAG', 'Tin hat', 'Is Jo cup tied?', etc. Show some true wit if you want to be funny. And yes, i fully expect the aforementioned replies in this thread (just go ahead and prove my point). Get off each others backs and get behind the team.

well said but your pissing against the wind

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