Derby Tickets - Early Request!

Hydemcfc said:
The only reason i'm having to sell mine is that due to my health i'm no longer physically able to go to the matches, i'm not just cashing in on this game, i'm hoping that anything i make on this sale will go towards a ticket for next season should i be well enough.

so face value then?<br /><br />-- Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:59 pm --<br /><br />please remember any poster touting will have posts deleted and banned from the forum.
The only reason i'm after one on here is because I didn't even plan on being in the Country this year so didn't bother renewing. Been to every home game since Christmas and 4 aways but still coldn't get one officially.
From the amount of money and time I've spent over 42 years (well about 30 years as I didn't buy my own as a kid) there's no way £2k would get my ticket. This as been a long time coming and it's not going to be missed for a wad of cash. Even if I couldn't afford next seasons seasoncard live for the day.
Its a bit sad and totally unnecessary that we end up like scrapping about whose is the most worthy person to go and the most convincing reason I have read it all over the last few days, honouring dead relatives, because your dying etc you have booked tickets and flights from Korea, Alaska, Botswana you name it they are flying over and you cannot change them, been let down by others... I could go on or the more more honest posters because you want and have to to be there!!

Seems the basics facts are:

This is not Stoke @ home its the biggest game of the season there is no equivalence or comparison we are in uncharted territory about ticket swaps exchange prices so I think the usual rules and conventions are out of the window

This is not about merit or entitlement but possession of either tickets/cards or cash simple really

three common scenarios

Some people with tickets or season cards simply cannot get there ( acceptable if they sell at face value Blue Moon )
Some people with tickets or season cards can make enough for next years season card by selling (not acceptable Blue Moon)

Some people with tickets or season cards simply cannot get there and can make enough for next years season card by selling ( not acceptable Blue Moon )

For those who cannot go or those who want to cash in there are buyers its your choice Despite the moral outrage its not the end of the world whatever you do or the result the world will still be turning on Tuesday morning and posters should be less aggressive and judgemental after all as the true believers might say let those with out form cast the first aspersions

My own view if you have a ticket or season card you would be daft not to go I'll be there and think we will win but lets not kid ourselves that we are somehow are better than those who make a alternative choice and have different priorities that's a behaviour unworthy of all city fans whether ticketed or not

Final bit to ponder who is the worst offender ?
The person who flogs their seat
or the person who pays in some posters views over the odds

in my book both not guilty

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