DESPERATELY needing volunteers to man a bucket Arsenal game

Ali BarBar said:
Greygo Diego said:
u taking the piss, were loaded, just ask tevez or agbonglahor to donate an hour or two of there wages and lets us all enjoy our day

agbonglahor? mate, come on! are you sure your a blue?

My thoughts also.

I hope somebody has helped the lad.
probably not get another chance before the game on sat to thank all who have encouraged me and driven me on in this as I need to fly over on Fri night right after work - BUT - not just me the CSA - Tony Alex David Howard Gary - The Club are really bending over backwards to help which is great - I cant thank them enough for what they are doing this weekend and beyond - its just caught everyones imagination - also on that front Howard will be in Carrington next week for a Photo op with the Manager / Players to promote the cause - again a great gesture by the club - those to thank are numerous but special thanks to Lorraine, Vicky, Garry, Chris, and ESP Rosie as I have her seat for the game but not for that reason - She has been great - I have made mistakes along the way and these people have guided me along the way before I could damage the cause after all I am just a football fan not an itellectual - also thanks to all the guys n gals who will man the buckets on Sat - on that note we will meet in the Townley from 11am - we will leave the townley at about 12.30 to meet the club reps at 12.45 - then start collecting at 1.00pm - if you cant make the Townley then text e mail phone whatever me and will make other arrangements for you - seems this is the beggining and not the end of this campaign - as it will be on the Official site as a link to an auction for signed memrabilia etc etc -

On the publicity front - we hope its in the MEN Friday night - one of us will be on the Mark Saggers (sp) show on Friday night (talksport) maybe the Indy and Guardian on Sat morning its in the prog on Sat - A really really helpful guy who I will name if he says ok has done all the PR FREE and maybe has inroads into Vauxhall - I wait with baited breath - Unlucky me has now found a seat in level 1 west stand so look out for me plus Tont and Alex at half time we will be telling all about the appeal - but since I am crapping it expect more from them than me - there are buskers outside the ground on Sat please give them your full support as they will also be collecting for the cause

I did not realise until today what a brilliant job our Club do with charities etc etc Lorraine has 2000 calls e mails etc etc per month - 24,000 per year - so its not suprising to hear she is overworked and underpaid - I have only done this for a few months and am completley knackered - its a full time job almost - the Club from this experience are the bees knees guys and have helped me and the CSA to make this a success (I hope) - this is the less publacised side of our club - - please be proud of your club in this venture

I had tears in my eyes on Tuesday when Armani spoke on Blue Tuesday and I really hope so do you on Sat please give what you can - this is without doubt the most worthwhile cause to be collected for that I can recall at either ground in the last 49 years (as thats the time I have been going)

Been a very very busy day with e mails , phone calls etc etc flying around - I would not want to do this for a living its just too exhausting - I love Aramni to bits and the cause we are supporting and wish I could just write a cheque for the required amount but sadly I cant so I am relaint ON YOUR RESPONSE - on Sat - so please please give give give - its saves lives and enhances lives - I had no idea how much until I got involved in thsi - so you will just have to take my word for it this is the MOTHER of APPEALS - as Garry would say JUST DO IT- as I would say - GIVE US YER DOSH

This is a long and very heart felt post becuase I believe in the cause and I believe WE CAN MAKE A MASSIVE DIFFERENCE in Sierra Leone - we have but one chance please take that chance on Saturday

Love you all Phil

ps any spelling mistakes - grammer foo pahs etc etc I make no apology for as I am who I am and I am also under the influence of the white spirit

Thanks for reading NOW gime yer dosh

if I have time on the morrow before I leave I will post the talksport link etc etc
Alex Channon the Chairman of the CSA will be on the Mark Saggers show tonight at 9.40pm talking about the Sierra Leone appeal - give it a listen

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Right, it's 5.30 am and I shall shortly be hitting the road (after 5 hours sleep having lost our first darts game of the season 5-6)

Please give as generously as you can afford today Blues. :)
Greygo Diego said:
BlueSpice said:
Mods, hope it's OK to post this - if so, can I be even cheekier and ask if it could be stickied for a short while please?

Before the home match against Arsenal on 12th Sept the club has given permission for a bucket collection in aid of MCFC Sierra Leone, organised by Phil Holme.

WE ARE DESPEARTELY SHORT OF VOLUNTEERS TO MAN THE BUCKETS (and I don't fancy running laps round the stadium to try and cover all gates ;) )

Please contact Phil ( philholme at btinternet dot com ) or see page 49 of the Wolves match programme

Please do help - jsut a little of your time is all we ask.

u taking the piss, were loaded, just ask tevez or agbonglahor to donate an hour or two of there wages and lets us all enjoy our day

You utter, utter clown. Not only is your opinion out of kilter with with the rest of humanity but you don't even know who plays for your team. Actually, thinking about it, your team plays in Stretford so go and comment on their board.
Many thanks to all of the fans who donated to the CSA Sierra Leone bucket collection at today's game. Your generosity was overwhelming. You did not have to put in the buckets and the collectors did not have to give their time to rattle the buckets or stand outside the turnstiles. Many donated cash as well as their time for this cause.

I know that there was no compulsion for people to donate, although it pissed me off when people look at you as if you are something on their shoes, when all you are trying to do is raise a small amount to make a difference in a country where you are lucky to have electricity and recent floods meant that people were washed away never to be seen again.

Thanks once again for all the support. The amount raised will be publicised on here and other similar places and further fund raising efforts will continue as we try to make that little difference that can mean so much.

Thanks once again

Dave Peers
CSA Treasurer
Didsberry blue said:
Greygo Diego said:
u taking the piss, were loaded, just ask tevez or agbonglahor to donate an hour or two of there wages and lets us all enjoy our day

You utter, utter clown. Not only is your opinion out of kilter with with the rest of humanity but you don't even know who plays for your team. Actually, thinking about it, your team plays in Stretford so go and comment on their board.

Having known Phil for over ten years i can ssure you that he aint no rag but a lifelong Blue (well for about 49 of his 50 odd years) having been born and raised in Gorton, he is also very good at organising things, hence his position as ticket secretary for the CSA and I and manyother Blues are very grateful to him for the amount of time and effort he puts in to supporting MCFC.If you want to go off on a rant about someone i would suggest you do a bit of research on the person beforehand, just because he (possibly when drunk :-))posted a wrong name.
law74 said:
Didsberry blue said:
You utter, utter clown. Not only is your opinion out of kilter with with the rest of humanity but you don't even know who plays for your team. Actually, thinking about it, your team plays in Stretford so go and comment on their board.

Having known Phil for over ten years i can ssure you that he aint no rag but a lifelong Blue (well for about 49 of his 50 odd years) having been born and raised in Gorton, he is also very good at organising things, hence his position as ticket secretary for the CSA and I and manyother Blues are very grateful to him for the amount of time and effort he puts in to supporting MCFC.If you want to go off on a rant about someone i would suggest you do a bit of research on the person beforehand, just because he (possibly when drunk :-))posted a wrong name.

The only Phil who is involved with the CSA Committee is Phil Holme who has done a fantastic job organising this collection. The CSA do not have a ticket secretary and that role was previously held by Anthony Horton.

Dave Peers
CSA Treasurer

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